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Date: Tue, 07 May 2002 22:31:21 +1000
Subject: God forbid we should make a buck ... (Follow up)
From: Dean Laffan <email@re*.co*.au*>
To: Quest at GUE <quest@gu*.co*>


From correspondents in London

A MAN sentenced to six months in jail for earning money by recovering balls
from a golf course lake and selling them was freed on bail today while he
appeals his sentence.

The jailing of John Collinson, who made a living retrieving lost balls and
selling them on for 15 pence (A43 cents), prompted a public outcry and
spawned questions in the House of Commons.

Collinson, who was jailed last week for theft, left prison this afternoon
after the Court of Appeal granted him bail.

"I am very pleased and so is he. He is delighted to be going home," said
Collinson's lawyer, Lynne Fantham.

Fantham said Collinson's appeal against his sentence would be heard in the
next few weeks. He has yet to decide whether he will appeal his conviction
as well.
The Associated Press


dean laffan
real world productions
melbourne, australia
ph +613-9419-3966
Mobile 0418-525-315

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 - Anon.

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