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From: "George Irvine" <girvine@be*.ne*>
To: "Tom Scott" <cherokee@ne*.ne*>, <>
Subject: RE: Deco line question
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 07:39:06 -0400

If there is no current, staying hooked to the wreck is fine, but
unnecessary. If you have a wreck buoyed , like JJ did on the Britannic or
Deans used to do in the Keys , where there is an upline from the wreck that
stops below the surface with an underwater ball or bag, then the options are
to tie to that with no current or to break from it with lift bag or float if
there is current.

The "Jersey" reel bullshit is for the Star Wars Bar Scene crowd where there
is no plan, there is no cooperation between divers, where there are no
buddies, where everyone does "their own thing", and is a typical solution
that we get from the bottom of the diving barrel ( the NE). Not to mention
the fact of carrying such a ridiculous piece of crap and running up lines on
everything you dive like a dog pissing on bushes, multiplied by the number
of solo diving tough guys on the boat, etc. is nonsense.

The real simple way of figuring out if something is bullshit or not in
diving is to ask where  it started. If anyone can show me anything EVER
developed in NE diving that is anything but ridiculous, I will give them a

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Scott [mailto:cherokee@ne*.ne*]
Sent: Friday, April 27, 3612 10:21 AM
Subject: Deco line question

Thought I'd try this question here for a horse's mouth answer: Since using a
deco line hooked to the bottom (rather than shooting a bag and drifting) is
considered acceptable by DIR standards (at least it is described in the DIR
Fundamentals book), why has the old "Jersey reel" system fallen so much out
of favor?

The only thing I can think of is that the between the doubles mounting
system could be considered an entanglement hazard. Are there more reasons?

Thanks much,

Tom Scott

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