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From: trey@ne*.co* (Trey)
To: "Cam Banks" <cam@ca*.co*>, <wkpp@ya*.co*>
Cc: "Techdiver@Aquanaut.Com" <>
Subject: RE: [wkpp] George is right again
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 21:03:10 -0400
If you are getting choked out you need to go to one of the Brazilian Ju
Jitsu guys, like Carlson/Gracie and learn how to defend the chokes. I
sparred with this 250 pound guy last weekend who constantly went for every
choke he could on me and I had no problem blocking it, although it was a
little scary at times with somebody that strong trying to choke you out.
That style of Ju Jitsu has the best of the tricks. The only thing that saves
my ass with those guys is years of wrestling combined with the C/G style, at
least the way they taught me.

What you are saying about BR diving is true, and that is why you need a
buddy. It is also nice to have a unit that has fewer failure modes.

-----Original Message-----
From: Cam Banks [mailto:cam@ca*.co*]
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 3:04 PM
To: Trey; wkpp@ya*.co*
Cc: Techdiver@Aquanaut.Com
Subject: Re: [wkpp] George is right again

It'd be interesting to ask all the people who want to own a rebreather if
they've ever had the experience of passing out from hypoxia.  It's quick,
and gives no warning.  If it happens to you underwater, you won't be coming
back, probably whether you have a buddy or not.

I have been choked out once and almost choked out many times playing
judo/jujitsu over the years (because I suck), and my housemate has passed
out from hypoxia in a navy ship-board firefighting suit.  Interestingly,
neither of us wants to do any rebreather diving.

Maybe a quick choke should be a prerequisite to rb training.  It doesn't
hurt; you just go to sleep.  The difference is, you come back...


> From: trey@ne*.co* (Trey)
> Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 19:34:57 -0400
> To: <wkpp@ya*.co*>
> Cc: "Techdiver@Aquanaut.Com" <>
> Subject: RE: [wkpp] George is right again
> This asshole got on the tech lists and told me I don't know what I am
> He then proceed ed to spread lies about me which everyone called him on.
> then told me I was a moron and did not understand rebreathers, as did a
> couple of IANTD idiots who promote solo diving with rebreathers and
> diving with rebreathers. He told me DIR is bullshit and that his dives
> safe done solo.
> One more dead moron, and I love to see these guys keep getting whacked and
> whacked and whacked until somebody gets the message. Obviously IANTD is
> going to get the message, and but somebody out there who might otherwise
> follow the lead of these idiots might be saved. All rebreathers including
> the one I use are EXTREMELY dangerous, with the Buddy Inspiration being at
> the bottom of the barrel in my informed opinion, and the Cis Lunar being
> of the better ones. None of them should ever be used solo. Most of them
> should not be used at all. 99% of these wanabees do not have a good reason
> to use one in the first place.
> Every death on a rebreather has been solo or effectively solo.
> I will also point out that this Richahart moron was one more huge fat know
> it all slob with something to prove and an IANTD attitude, as I said when
> was arguing with him when he came after me.
> Right again and I will continue to be right and proven right on these guys
> every time.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael J. Blitch [mailto:mblitch1@ta*.rr*.co*]
> Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 9:07 PM
> To: wkpp@ya*.co*
> Subject: [wkpp] George is right again
> Details are sketchy, but the guy that was making up the BS on
> techdiver and Fltech a month or so ago is now missing and presumed
> dead while diving off the RBJ. Eric Reichardt
> <fishfinder1@ho*.co*> is the name of the victim. The kicker is
> that he was uses the very same cis-luna rebreather that Dr. Kendall
> used in Wak2 project. He was solo diving with a same ocean diver that
> was using a Buddy Inspiration. Sometimes one has to hate it when
> George is right since that often means another death was completely
> avoidable. Eric was completely out of shape 250-300 lbs, and had
> previously spoke of CNS and HPNS 'hits' he experienced. Last I saw
> this guy I was diving on the Minnow in WPB with some OW student and
> even on the reef he was using the cis-lunar with yellow force fins.
> Body recovery may be attempted in the next couple of days, but the
> current was something like 3.5 knots today, so unless he wedged
> himself in the wreck, it is probably past Miami by now.
> --
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