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Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2001 14:03:46 -0400
Subject: Respect your elders
From: Jim Cobb <cobber@ci*.co*>
To: Trey <trey@ne*.co*>, "Duane Liptak Jr." <dliptakjr@ea*.ne*>,
     Scott Hunsucker , Capt JT ,
     , VB Tech
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George, we have a young whippersnapper who shows great promise as well. Brad
Beskin is a natural diver and one heck of a nice kid. The difference between
Brad and Duane is that Brad knows when to shut the fuck up and show some
respect for his gray-haired, pot-bellied elders, and to take it like a man
when he get's a little advice, friendly or otherwise.

Unfortunately Brad is off to school, a drinkin' and a whorin', and I hope we
don't loose him and his abilities to some big-titted blond who prefers
roller skating, horsey-back riding or some other pussy sport like that.

Learn About Trimix at

From: trey@ne*.co* (Trey)
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2001 07:35:01 -0400
To: "Duane Liptak Jr." <dliptakjr@ea*.ne*>, "Scott Hunsucker"
<swhac@ho*.co*>, "Capt JT" <captjt@mi*.co*>,
Subject: RE: buddy teams, was Re: Death of Eric Reichardt, 9/16/01

JT et al, my guys think Dwayne will be one of our better assets so they are
giving him their full training attention. From my perspective, he has the
right raw material, and is the kind of person we need more of on our team
and elsewhere.
We all learn someplace, and I' won't even bet you , I will tell you , there
is no better place to learn than the WKPP.
I like guys who know the importance and value of life , know what the term
"teamwork" means, and know how important that is to staying alive when you
play for real like we do, or when you play at it like the pretenders he is
commenting on.
Unfortunately, there are strokes out there like Pizzio and his dead comrade
whose actions are so obviously stupid and unthinking that one does not need
to even know about diving to see that. There are also people out there who
set the worst possible example and then play tough guy like Pizzio, the
great FBI agent who acts more like the Lone Ranger. Hopefully that is not
how he conducts his job, or maybe that explains a lot about why we got
surprised by Osama if the rest of his agency operates with his "every man
for himself"  attitude. I guarantee that in the Marine Corp they don't act
like Pizzio, and it is no accident that  Marine can spot this kind of
Read Pizzio and read Dwayne, and tell me who you want covering you back, and
who you want on your team. It looks like Pizzio has had one too many dives
and so ( obviously ) has Reichart.
Again, solo diving with a rebreather is the dumbest fucking thing I have
ever head of, and I am not even remotely interested in the opinion of anyone
stupid enough to do it or condone it, and I am sure sick of listening to the
accident reports from the rest of the strokes who keep doing it over and
-----Original Message-----
From: Duane Liptak Jr. [mailto:dliptakjr@ea*.ne*]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 9:18 PM
To: Scott Hunsucker; Capt JT;
Subject: Re: buddy teams, was Re: Death of Eric Reichardt, 9/16/01

JT, I'm terribly sorry that you feel so threatened by little old me.  Just
go off in your little corner and keep repeating the "I'm the greatest diver
that ever lived" mantra that you seem so fond of.  It must be that when your
bullshit meanderings don't fly, you feel compelled to attack the messenger
for lack of the ability to post a substantive rebuttal.

>Well gee, I don't know which one to really address here, I got Duane
>Lipdick "from weenie diver to expert techdiver in 6 months " or Scott
>Nutsucker "I dove with him and his dick feels as hard as a rock".
Damn, JT... with last names like ours, do you think we've never heard this
schoolyard shit?  Grow up.  Or, at least come up with something a little
more original.

>in 6 months this guy has dived enough, while
>holding down a full time job, while also moving around, to dispense how to
>and what went wrong information,
JT, I'm not going to waste my time pontificating on my greatness and my
abilities, as you are so apt to do.  Everything I post is based on what I
have done--not what I've heard, not what I've read, and not what I theorize.
I have never posted anything that hasn't come from my direct experience, as
limited as you think it is.  If you can find fault in anything I've said,
argue the content.  As I said before, I've had a unique opportunity to dive
with and learn from the pros, mainly because I'm willing to listen to what
works instead of proclaiming my own greatness.  If I can pass on any
knowledge I've gained in the spirit it was given to me, then I am happy.   I
have a simple system for just about everything I do.  Find out what works,
practice relentlessly, and never become complacent.  If you put half as much
effort into your whole life as I put into just my hobbies, maybe you could
afford a decent haircut.

>Let me guess, he's a
>Navy Seal too.
No, I would never subject myself to Navy dive training.  I'm a plain,
regular, United States Marine.  I was an enlisted grunt for a while, and now
I fly.  I only bring that up because the Marine Corps lets me fly aircraft
with engines that cost more than most people's houses, and they let me do it
with far fewer flights than I have logged dives.  It's amazing what proper
training and hard work can do when applied within a framework of tested and
proven methods.

> What a fucking joke..... Better make sure his checks cash
>before he does a real dive.
Here's where the real beauty of my situation comes in, JT.  I learned to
dive from people who are my friends and teammates, and were willing to
devote unbelievable amounts of time and effort to my betterment.  All I have
ever been asked for in return is my friendship and a little well-deserved
loyalty.  There are no checks to cash.  I have been taught, trained, and
tested by people who care about me and about my skill development.  If you
were taught, way back before you were such a dive stud,  by people who did
it for the cash, then I'm sorry.  You got fucked.

I'll be awaiting your triumphant return from your trip with bated breath.


1stLt  DL

Content-type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable

<TITLE>Respect your elders</TITLE>
George, we have a young whippersnapper who shows great promise as well. Bra=
d Beskin is a natural diver and one heck of a nice kid. The difference betwe=
en Brad and Duane is that Brad knows when to shut the fuck up and show some =
respect for his gray-haired, pot-bellied elders, and to take it like a man w=
hen he get's a little advice, friendly or otherwise.<BR>
Unfortunately Brad is off to school, a drinkin' and a whorin', and I hope w=
e don't loose him and his abilities to some big-titted blond who prefers rol=
ler skating, horsey-back riding or some other pussy sport like that.<BR>
 Learn About Trimix at<BR>
<B>From: </B>trey@ne*.co* (Trey)<BR>
<B>Date: </B>Sat, 22 Sep 2001 07:35:01 -0400<BR>
<B>To: </B>"Duane Liptak Jr." <dliptakjr@ea*.ne*>, &q=
uot;Scott Hunsucker" <swhac@ho*.co*>, "Capt JT" <ca=
ptjt@mi*.co*>, <><BR>
<B>Subject: </B>RE: buddy teams, was Re: Death of Eric Reichardt,
<FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF"><FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Arial">JT et
al, my guys t=
hink Dwayne will be one of our better assets so they are giving him their fu=
ll training attention. From my perspective, he has the right raw material, a=
nd is the kind of person we need more of on our team and elsewhere.<BR>
<FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF"><FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Arial">We all
learn somepl=
ace, and I' won't even bet you , I will tell you , there is no better place =
to learn than the WKPP.<BR>
<FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF"><FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Arial">I like
guys who kno=
w the importance and value of life , know what the term "teamwork"=
 means, and know how important that is to staying alive when you play for re=
al like we do, or when you play at it like the pretenders he is commenting o=
FACE=3D"Arial">Unfortunately, ther=
e are strokes out there like Pizzio and his dead comrade whose actions are s=
o obviously stupid and unthinking that one does not need to even know about =
diving to see that. There are also people out there who set the worst possib=
le example and then play tough guy like Pizzio, the great FBI agent who acts=
 more like the Lone Ranger. Hopefully that is not how he conducts his job, o=
r maybe that explains a lot about why we got surprised by Osama if the rest =
of his agency operates with his "every man for himself"  atti=
tude. I guarantee that in the Marine Corp they don't act like Pizzio, and it=
 is no accident that  Marine can spot this kind of bullshit. <BR>
<FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF"><FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Arial">Read
Pizzio and rea=
d Dwayne, and tell me who you want covering you back, and who you want on yo=
ur team. It looks like Pizzio has had one too many dives and so ( obviously =
) has Reichart.<BR>
<FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF"><FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Arial">Again,
solo diving =
with a rebreather is the dumbest fucking thing I have ever head of, and I am=
 not even remotely interested in the opinion of anyone stupid enough to do i=
t or condone it, and I am sure sick of listening to the accident reports fro=
m the rest of the strokes who keep doing it over and over.<BR>
<BLOCKQUOTE><FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Tahoma">-----Original
<B>From:</B> Duane Liptak Jr. [mailto:dliptakjr@ea*.ne*]<BR>
<B>Sent:</B> Friday, September 21, 2001 9:18 PM<BR>
<B>To:</B> Scott Hunsucker; Capt JT;<BR>
<B>Subject:</B> Re: buddy teams, was Re: Death of Eric Reichardt,
</FONT></FONT>JT, I'm terribly sorry that you feel so threatened by
little =
old me.  Just go off in your little corner and keep repeating the "=
;I'm the greatest diver that ever lived" mantra that you seem so fond o=
f.  It must be that when your bullshit meanderings don't fly, you feel =
compelled to attack the messenger for lack of the ability to post a substant=
ive rebuttal. <BR>
<FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Arial"><BR>
</FONT></FONT></BLOCKQUOTE><FONT SIZE=3D"2">>Well gee, I don't
know which =
one to really address here, I got Duane <BR>
>Lipdick "from weenie diver to expert techdiver in 6 months " =
or Scott <BR>
>Nutsucker "I dove with him and his dick feels as hard as a rock&qu=
</FONT> <BR>
Damn, JT... with last names like ours, do you think we've never heard this =
schoolyard shit?  Grow up.  Or, at least come up with something a =
little more original.<BR>
<FONT SIZE=3D"2">>in 6 months this guy has dived enough, while <BR>
>holding down a full time job, while also moving around, to dispense how=
 to <BR>
>and what went wrong information,<BR>
</FONT> <BR>
JT, I'm not going to waste my time pontificating on my greatness and my abi=
lities, as you are so apt to do.  Everything I post is based on what I =
have done--not what I've heard, not what I've read, and not what I theorize.=
  I have never posted anything that hasn't come from my direct experien=
ce, as limited as you think it is.  If you can find fault in anything I=
've said, argue the content.  As I said before, I've had a unique oppor=
tunity to dive with and learn from the pros, mainly because I'm willing to l=
isten to what works instead of proclaiming my own greatness.  If I can =
pass on any knowledge I've gained in the spirit it was given to me, then I a=
m happy.   I have a simple system for just about everything I do. =
 Find out what works, practice relentlessly, and never become complacen=
t.  If you put half as much effort into your whole life as I put into j=
ust my hobbies, maybe you could afford a decent haircut.<BR>
<FONT SIZE=3D"2">>Let me guess, he's a <BR>
>Navy Seal too.<BR>
</FONT> <BR>
No, I would never subject myself to Navy dive training.  I'm a plain, =
regular, United States Marine.  I was an enlisted grunt for a while, an=
d now I fly.  I only bring that up because the Marine Corps lets me fly=
 aircraft with engines that cost more than most people's houses, and they le=
t me do it with far fewer flights than I have logged dives.  It's amazi=
ng what proper training and hard work can do when applied within a framework=
 of tested and proven methods.<BR>
<FONT SIZE=3D"2">> What a fucking joke..... Better make sure his checks
sh <BR>
>before he does a real dive.<BR>
</FONT> <BR>
Here's where the real beauty of my situation comes in, JT.  I learned =
to dive from people who are my friends and teammates, and were willing to de=
vote unbelievable amounts of time and effort to my betterment.  All I h=
ave ever been asked for in return is my friendship and a little well-deserve=
d loyalty.  There are no checks to cash.  I have been taught, trai=
ned, and tested by people who care about me and about my skill development. =
 If you were taught, way back before you were such a dive stud,  b=
y people who did it for the cash, then I'm sorry.  You got fucked. <BR>
I'll be awaiting your triumphant return from your trip with bated breath.<B=
1stLt  DL<BR>


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