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From: "Chris Elmore" <elmorec@at*.ne*>
To: <Techdiver@Aquanaut.Com>
Subject: Geez Lee, you crack me up
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 09:45:21 -0400
----- Original Message -----
From: Lee Bell <leebell@ix*.ne*.co*>

     <indignant whining deleted>

> The only thing that is clear right now is that things went wrong that were
beyond the
> ability of a solo diver to survive.

This has got to go down in Techdiver history as one of the more stupid
statements ever. Let me try to top it:
 "The only thing that is clear right now is that things went wrong that were
beyond the ability of a skydiver without a parachute to survive" Nope,
your's is more stupid.

Chris Elmore
PalmettoSoft Technologies Corp.
(803) 233-2001 (work)
(803) 348-3055 (mobile)

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