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From: "givemeabreak george" <georgegivemeabreak@ho*.co*>
To: trey@ne*.co*,
Subject: RE: George has done it again!
Date: Wed, 05 Sep 2001 22:21:54 +0000

You can whine all you want. Your scooters are sewer pipe and glue. Oh I 
forgot "chemically welded" glue. What an asshole.
Why don't you post the real costs involved and just how much you are ripping 
off people with the glue and PVC. I should know. Your scooters are breaking 
constantly and must be returned for repair. Other designs such as the silent 
submersion have totally improved on the Gavin design
The only reason I have to use this hotmail account is that I am a WKPP diver 
and I do not want any repercussions on me or my friends.

>From: trey@ne*.co* (Trey)
>To: "givemeabreak george" <georgegivemeabreak@ho*.co*>,   
>Subject: RE: George has done it again!
>Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 07:16:49 -0400
>First of all, moron, who had built some 200 of them that are still in
>service an still covered under warranty and still are setting all the
>records? What makes you think we don't know what we are doing when nobody
>else seems to be able to get there?
>Mine are PVC for several good reasons, none of which you need to know. They
>are otherwise the way they are for good reasons you do not need to know.
>Anyone who does need to know has one or will talk to somebody who does and
>get one. However, asshole, you might want to ask when the last time "sewer
>pipe" came apart in a building or house? The bond is chemical, not "glue",
>and in some cases it is welded and bonded.
>The ss is still a total kluge. The inside compartment motor compartment is
>the stupidest thing I have ever seen and it will not hold its integrity.
>They have tried all kinds of fixes but it will not work the way they do it.
>That is all I will say about that part, I don't want them figuring it out.
>The wiring is a disgrace. It is cheap crap kluged together with bullshit
>connectors in every position.
>The motorcycle handle thing is the dumbest invention yet, and is worthless 
>causes all kinds of problems.
>The hdpe is too soft. It needs to be really thick ( they have the bodies an
>inch thick ) and it still flexes all over the place. Screws pull right out
>of it. All of these different plastics have their advantages and drawbacks,
>and I actually could make one with certain parts HDPE, and do it right, but
>there is no need. Most people are fooled by the end taper on that thing,
>whereas the problem with that is that this leaves the motor too close to 
>body, and the fact is at the speeds we run, there is no need for any
>tapering. There are other ratios that determine drag in these designs, and
>again, I will not discuss them.
>Now, whose scooters hold the European and World cave distance record, whose
>scooters are in the hands of the most number of dive teams who really do
>anything, whose scooters have been backed fully for nine years, whose
>scooters are the best performing, whose scooters are designed by real
>engineers and people who really know this stuff, and whose are in the hands
>of the strokes?
>By the way, why is it that you weenies can not use your real name when
>lying? Are you that scared of me, or are you just another resentful little
>-----Original Message-----
>From: givemeabreak george [mailto:georgegivemeabreak@ho*.co*]
>Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001 3:53 PM
>Subject: George has done it again!
> >Trey wrote:
> >None of you morons even understand why we do what we do, and I am sick of
> >explaining it over and over only to have you screw it up , misinterpret 
> >and drivel about it when none of you has the experience to tie my shoes 
> >JJ's.
> >As for this scooter thread, if anyone wants to know why the silent
> >submersion ' is a ghastly piece of crap, I'll be glad to explain that as
> >well.
> >
>Well.....yes George I would like to hear why the Silent Submersion is a
>piece of crap since your scooters are made of sewer pipe and glue. The only
>thing in sewer pipe is crap. Who's the moron here?
> > >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
> >Trey wrote:
> >
> >Bullshit - how many have YOU built? Anyone out there who has a problem 
> >one of mine speak up. There is a far better solution and I use it. You 
> >really too much.
> >
> >In reply Doug Chapman wrote:
> >George,
> >It is my business (and I'm damn good at it) building systems that are 
> >in ocean service that in all reality dwarf the technical challenge of 
> >scooters. I don't build dive scooters, but I have designed and built many
> >remote tethered and untethered deep ocean marine vehicles including ROVs,
> >AUVs,manned submersibles, towed acoustic sound sources, 
> >probe systems, submarine systems, various oceanographic instrumentations,
> >to
> >name a few blah blah blah.  'Don't think for a second that a dive scooter
> >is
> >technically challenging to everyone.
> >Perhaps you think your scooter is the most technically challenging ocean
> >system in the whole wide world? I hope not; if you do then you are a
> >fool,I've seen your scooters in their smallest detail. They are OK, 
> >reliable, low cost - great for their application. 'But you could still
> >learn
> >a thing or two. The corrosion system I described works and has been 
> >for years; perhaps yours does too.
> >Fine! Let's hear it. You should really learn about people before you 
> >too much and get over your head,technically speaking.
> >
> > >>>>>>>>>>>>
>George you really put your foot in your big alligator mouth that time.
>Since you are the bigtime expert on EVERYTHING from Apex regs to Zebra
>mussels, tell us your brillant Jerry Lewis solution to the corrosion
>problem. Also please tell us how much expertise you have in designing and
>building remote tethered and untethered deep ocean marine vehicles 
>ROVs, AUVs,manned submersibles, towed acoustic sound sources,
>submarine-launched probe systems, submarine systems, and various
>oceanographic instrumentations.
>Please tell the US goverment how to do it so we can save millions in R&D.
>You really are a moron.
>Give me a break Einstein.
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