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From: "pina" <pina3@be*.ne*>
To: <EanxMiss@ao*.co*>
Cc: "Techdiver" <>
Subject: RE: [Re: Re: [Dumb vs. Smart Re: Wet vs Dry in SoCal]]
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2001 16:02:15 -0400
Get a really good hood and it won't matter your hair being wet so much.  I
have a custom hood from Aquatic Wetsuits made from 7mm
nitrogen-blown commercial grade neoprene (Rubatex).  The proper hood makes a
huge difference - it is all in the material, the custom fit is a bonus but
the material is the big thing.  It is an amazing difference.


-----Original Message-----
From: EanxMiss@ao*.co* [mailto:EanxMiss@ao*.co*]
Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2001 12:05 PM
To: trasbeck@dr*.co*;
Subject: Re: [Re: Re: [Dumb vs. Smart Re: Wet vs Dry in SoCal]]

Dear guys and gals,
  After diving this weekend in Santa Barbara there is no question about
it-DRY- down the line with proper insulation, cold water gloves and liners
for the booties. Some hunters on the boat were in wet suits but I guess they
are so active underwater it is of small consequence.
  I am seriously considering some type of dry hood since wet hair is what
makes me cold-any suggestions?
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