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From: "Dave Robbins" <DIR@Po*.co*>
To: "Don Burke" <donburke56@ne*.ne*>, <>
Subject: Re: rockin' & reelin'
Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 23:55:02 +0100
----- Original Message -----
From: "Don Burke" <donburke56@ne*.ne*>
| If I'm hanging off a bag, I'm probably drifting, which
means I either didn't
| make it to the wreck or somehow got lost on the bottom.
| In such a case there would be no problem with being
attached to the bottom,
| so no problem with relative current.
| If I'm hooked to a wreck, I must have seen it and seeing
my depth guage is
| unlikely to be a problem.

I don't understand this? How are you attached to the bottom?
Is not the reel in your hand and the bag on the surface
& you reel slowly up to the surface, completing stops as
required, with your buddy a few feet away doing the same?


| The real reason for the markings is to measure horizontal
distances on or
| near the bottom.  In this neck of the woods (Norfolk, VA
area), sorting
| through debris fields at much less than 100 feet in about
15 foot vis is
| quite common.  I'd really like a decent system to figure
out how far off the
| tie-in I am.

Why have you got to get back to the tie-in?  What do you do
if the tide turns & you can't get back to the

don't you use 1/3rds as the distance limit?

| The goal is to obtain said markings without reducing the
line's utility as a
| safety device.  If the utility of the line can be
improved, I'm all for it.

abolutely - the reel I use is the EE 400' explorer.  Perfect
as a distance reel & perfect as
ascent reel.  (I use a spool as a back-up)


| I can't see myself using such a system.  Why no support

My buddy is the support diver.  Using the yellow bag is just
one option, in the situation that the O2 has failed.
I could also do one of the following:
carry on the 50% & adjust the stop times.
wait for buddy to finish their 20' stop then use their O2.

| As far as the scenario of drifting, lost, blind, low on
gas with a deco
| obligation, no support divers, lost buddy, and a bum depth
guage goes, (or a
| combination of three or four of these things) perhaps the
gene pool would be
| better off if I didn't survive a dive I planned so well.
If I survived, the
| boat would probably get hit by a meteor anyway. :)
| Don

I was questioning the validity of putting marks on the line,
or worst still, introducing a failure point (adding knots
which *could* jam a reel).

We have been diving the DSMB/reel system in the UK for
years.  We don't seem to have the incidents that you guys
have with deep wreck diving in cold tidal waters.

There again, we don't send people down the line, solo, to
tie a line to the wreck (our skippers are able to single
handedly 'shot' the wreck & recover it again after the dive)

We also avoid ladders - preferring hydraulic lifts, to save
stress on exiting the water


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