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From: <Jsuw@ao*.co*>
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 01:01:34 EDT
Subject: Re: brain damage and divers
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Although a study like this would be very interesting, I doubt DAN would do 
it, since there is no third party with an interest in funding it.  

If results showed that diving mixes with helium prevented lesions seen in 
other groups of air divers -- who would benefit financially?  The only group 
I can think of are the people involved in the mining and distribution of 
helium.  I don't think they have a big stake or interest in the dive 

Who would lose?  Anyone teaching or promoting air diving (regardless of 
depth).  Potentially, recreational divers would be frightened by the risk, 
but unwilling to pay for helium.  This means less diving, less equipment 
sales, less dive travel...

There has to be some other driver for doing the study, like pure research, to 
drive its occurrence.


In a message dated 4/24/01 2:16:41 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
schambrg@ch*.us*.ed*.au* writes:

> Wendell, Trey,
> as you both mentioned the basic problem is money to do a 
> scientificly sound study ("double blind"). 
> On the other hand, in all the MRI centers round europe and
> the states there should be a huge amount of stored previous
> scans. If we could find a scientist who is willing to look
> through them and sort them out, that may give some evidence.
> Again the problem is money, as somebody has to pay the poor
> guy. :-)  DAN has probably done such studies, or may
> be able to do further work on it. 
> I can not see big companies funding it, as there is no imidiate
> profit in these studies. The so called
> technical diving agencies like TDI or others, even PADI and 
> SSI should be interested in it (I am shure there are many others
> I did not mention).
> It is good to know that there are groups who are working on a
> way to get this research done. 
> Jens.

Visit my web page with underwater and other photos at

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<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT  COLOR="#800040" SIZE=2
FAMILY="SCRIPT" FACE="Comic Sans MS" LANG="0">Although a study like this would
be very interesting, I doubt DAN would do 
<BR>it, since there is no third party with an interest in funding it.  
<BR>If results showed that diving mixes with helium prevented lesions seen
<BR>other groups of air divers -- who would benefit financially?  The
only group 
<BR>I can think of are the people involved in the mining and distribution of 
<BR>helium.  I don't think they have a big stake or interest in the
<BR>Who would lose?  Anyone teaching or promoting air diving
(regardless of 
<BR>depth).  Potentially, recreational divers would be frightened by
the risk, 
<BR>but unwilling to pay for helium.  This means less diving, less
<BR>sales, less dive travel...
<BR>There has to be some other driver for doing the study, like pure
research, to 
<BR>drive its occurrence.
<BR>In a message dated 4/24/01 2:16:41 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
<BR>schambrg@ch*.us*.ed*.au* writes:
FACE="Arial" LANG="0">
<BR><BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE style="BORDER-LEFT: #0000ff 2px solid;
MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px">Wendell, Trey,
<BR>as you both mentioned the basic problem is money to do a 
<BR>scientificly sound study ("double blind"). 
<BR>On the other hand, in all the MRI centers round europe and
<BR>the states there should be a huge amount of stored previous
<BR>scans. If we could find a scientist who is willing to look
<BR>through them and sort them out, that may give some evidence.
<BR>Again the problem is money, as somebody has to pay the poor
<BR>guy. :-)  DAN has probably done such studies, or may
<BR>be able to do further work on it. 
<BR>I can not see big companies funding it, as there is no imidiate
<BR>profit in these studies. The so called
<BR>technical diving agencies like TDI or others, even PADI and 
<BR>SSI should be interested in it (I am shure there are many others
<BR>I did not mention).
<BR>It is good to know that there are groups who are working on a
<BR>way to get this research done. 
Sans MS" LANG="0">
<BR><B>Visit my web page with underwater and other photos at 

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