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Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 07:29:22 -0700 (PDT)
From: Ben Wiseley <wiseleyb@ya*.co*>
Subject: Re: brain damage and divers
To: Aquanaut Mail <>

You've got to be full of shit on this one.  Why don't
you give us contact info on the shop that's doing the
MRI so we can check?  I find it really hard to believe
that you'd bother doing something like this.

If you're going to be all "my science is better than
yours" then (for once) add some credibility to
something you say and prove it.  No one here is going
to take your word on it.


--- "Michael J. Black" <mjblackmd@ya*.co*> wrote:
> "George Irvine" <trey@ne*.co*> wrote:
> > Jens, the only one of us who has been MRI scanned
> and bone
> > scanned extensively is me,
> Er, not quite, Trey.
> > and I show no necrosis of any kind and no spinal
> lesions.
> > My brain appears like anyone else's that is my
> age.
> Like I said, denial is NOT a river in Egypt.  Sorry
> Trey, but
> you have lesions, you just haven't been through the
> right MRI
> scanner yet.  Kindof ironic that I'm almost your
> age, have also
> had my brain scanned, and will undergo another scan
> this Saturday,
> after a mere 60-ft dive on air for 45 minutes. 
> Before and after-
> dive imaging has revealed some clear differences,
> and imagine
> all this after a dive profile that pales in
> comparison to the
> extreme stuff you do Trey.  It's all in the name of
> scientific
> research, of course, and we're just beginning to
> scratch the
> surface.  Don't be scared though, after all, you Do
> It Right and
> are immune to problems <g>.
> Cheers,
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