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From: "Chris Elmore" <elmorec@at*.ne*>
To: "Michael J. Black" <mjblackmd@ya*.co*>,
     "Aquanaut Mail"
Subject: Re: How Are My Techdiver Buddies?
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 11:54:57 -0400

----- Original Message -----
From: Michael J. Black <mjblackmd@ya*.co*>

> Hi Gang,
> I've been peeking in on you folks periodically since my last post,
> in November 2000, and see that things haven't really changed.  The
> name-calling and ranting look about the same, and among all the
> flames and invectives, an occasional tidbit of useful information
> arises.
Opinions differ and usually align in conjunction with who does and who
doesn't do the dives. Take the tidbits as they come (or, in your case, don't
take them)
> A whole-hearted hello again to some of my good techdiver buddies,
> like Trey, Mr. DIR himself, whose last moniker was Robert L. Dawson.
> He taught me that it's OK for Doing-It-Rightists to have sockpuppets,
> but not OK for anybody else.  Heck, it's OK for Doing-It-Rightists
> to do anything, including breaking all the rules, but not OK for
> anybody else.
Breaking the rules? What rules are you talking about- real diving or cyber
diving? What is your problem Black? Last time you came crawling out of the
sewer I posted a note that if anyone thought you were serious to contact me
privately and I'd explain the reality to them. How many private emails did I
get? Zero, nada, zip, none, not even a "sock puppet"- No one takes you
seriously. We don't serve your whine here.
> And speaking of breaking the rules, how's my good friend Scott
> Hunsucker, who says it's OK to run the CNS O2 clock up to 20,000
> per cent (I love that one)?  You graduated from med school yet,
> Hunsucker?
Actually, MY good friend Scott Hunsucker was recently named medical officer
for the WKPP. He does real mixed dives in real caves and is more connected
in the cutting edge of hyperbaric medicine than you can ever hope to be.
Just because he doesn't have an MD (yet) doesn't mean he doesn't know what
he's talking about. So Dr. (Opthomologist) Black, why don't you work the
numbers on an 18,000' dive at 300' deep plus decompression (don't forget to
use 100% instead of stroke mix for the last 30') and tell us what your CNS
O2 clock says. Given a choice between following hyperbaric physiology advice
from you or Scott is a no brainer. Last month most of the WKPP team showed
up for a full day of first aid, CPR, and in-water emergency training. Many
of us drove more than 8 hours to attend this session. Do you see that kind
of team dedication with your buddies? With any other group?

> And Dan Volker, how you been?  I see you've taken quite a beating
> recently on rec.scuba for that lovely post about Team Stroke recruiting
> drunks and drug addicts.  Good ol' Volker, another Doing-It-Rightist
> who broke all the rules in the past, like diving deep on air, and
> now crucifies anyone else who does the same.  Hundreds of dives to
> 270 feet on air (good ol' pO2 1.9) were OK for Dan Volker, but not
> OK for anybody else.
Black, virtually all the leading DIR people are experienced with aspects of
diving that are the anthesis of DIR. My first scuba dive was in 1968- what
do you think the standards were then? The key is we recognized the problem,
overcame bad and/or uninformed instruction and made the changes. There's
always room for one more- care to join us or do you still prefer to dive
your hot mix in a hard mounted pony bottle and other idiocies?

So, "Doc", you have any usefull information or are you just popping up to
spew the same old BS that we can all find in the archives buy searching
under "Michael J. Black"?

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