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From: "Brian&Kari Hunter" <sasha@ka*.ne*>
To: "techdiver" <>
Subject: Re: WARNING - Coffee Alert
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 22:37:44 -0500
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Just my 2 cents worth. I was on a dive in S.C. it was a PADI shop and =
there was a PADI instructor(instroketer)teaching some OW people. This =
one lady very nice was just married to a guy who was a diver they were =
planning to do a late honeymoon in coz. so she thought she would =
superise him and get certified to dive. Well as I later found out she =
was scared to deth of the ocean and the dumb ass instructor told her the =
only way she would get certified was to go on this dive(dive was 110 ft =
remember OW certification here). Well on the way out she heard some =
people talking about seeing some sharks and she got REAL nervous then =
seasick, and couldn't do the dive. When we got back she asked if she =
could do some more inland diving to get better first and the instructor =
said "no if you want to do this we will be going out tomarrow and that =
will be the only way(in the ocean where she's afraid)you'll get =
certified.When I heard that I told him I thought he was an asshole and =
that the lady probably wont ever get certified.He didn't like that, and =
I also told him what I thought about the rest of his operation(didn't =
check cards or ask about experience just Put Another Dollar In and lets =
dive).Guess what the last time I was in SO.CO. I heard he was going to =
teach tec diving, can't wait to see that cluster f__k.  PADI what a way =
to die!!    =20

  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Art.Paltz@R2*.CO*=20
  Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 2:57 PM
  Subject: RE: WARNING - Coffee Alert

  Why are we trying to place blame on one person or the other?  It's =
both for Gods sake.  There are some really great instructors out there, =
connected with different agencies, just like there are bad ones!  I =
think the agencies are at fault for not policing their instructors and =
making it harder to get an instructor license and keeping it.  They are =
also at fault for not making their materials more in-depth and being =
slow to react to new information.  They are also at fault for not having =
tougher standards when teaching someone something that can easily get =
you killed if there is the simplest screw up.


  The instructors are also at fault.  They have the ability of being =
either good teachers or bad ones.  A good teacher knows his/her =
limitations and knows not to cross them.  Just about anyone can probably =
teach a resort course in warm clear water at 40 feet on a reef.  If this =
is your limitation, don't apply for a deep cold certification and take =
someone in that environment and pretend to know what you are talking =
about.  One of my biggest problems is that there is no real connection =
between what the instructor knows or that they keep up their skills for =
that instruction level.  How many instructors do you know who can teach =
you wreck specialty when all they do is one or 2 local dives while =
spending the rest of their diving career in the Caribbean looking at =
fish on a reef or swimming around a wreck? =20


  We've got plenty of instructors up here in the NE that can teach you =
dry suit diving and give you some cockamamie certification for it when =
all they do is dive in a quarry and make one local boat trip.  The rest =
of the time they are taking people to warm water.  On the other hand =
there are other instructors that pretty much only dive in their local =
environment.  You typically don't see them giving you some tropical fish =
identification certification...  Good instructors and bad ones.  I think =
what constitutes a bad instructor is attitude (not caring if you =
actually understand something or not) as well as not knowing their =


  It's both, agencies and instructors..  By no means a complete list!


  This thread is starting to get very old!





  -----Original Message-----
  From: Ben Greenhouse [mailto:b.greenhouse@ut*.ca*]
  Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 12:20 PM
  To: haglandg@to*.co*
  Subject: Re: WARNING - Coffee Alert



      I agree with you on most points except your last one.  It is the =
instructor, not the agency.  Neither of the two MSDTs you talk about =
were practising what they preach.  PADI has no need to make =
understanding basic decompression theory an additional criteria for the =
rating of MSDT.  These two guys were diving beyond their training.  =
Unless either of them were trained by a tech agency, they were beyond =
what they had been taught (which includes following the Recreational =
Dive Tables).  If they had tech training, then it's that agency that's =
to blame (please don't say they were tec-rec).=20

      I'm not saying that PADI is perfect.  I know a few incredibly =
incompetent instructors myself.  That being said, teaching a person to =
dive to 30 feet in the carribean isn't that hard.  Students are taught =
that if they enter an environment different than the one they were =
trained in, they should get an orientation dive with a local divemaster =
or instructor.  Probably due to attitudes like the ones on this list, =
people think that it's only a money-grab. While I agree that it is a bit =
of a money grab, there is also some sense in the madness.  You can't =
expect every instructor to have dove in every conceivable set of =
circumstances.  I dive and teach in cold water with limited visibility =
relative to more tropical locales.  However, I don't have a lot of =
experience in currents, and so I would never try and teach a student how =
to drift dive.  By recommending that students get oriented in new =
environments, you can ensure that they get taught by people who have =
experience in that area.  Anyhow, most students will probably never =
venture too far from the conditions in which they were trained.  PADI =
also advocates that students take a tuneup if they haven't been diving =
for a while.=20

      There are many bad things about PADI, not the least of which is =
(what I perceive as) the lax standards for IDC admission.  However, I =
think that a good instructor from PADI is as good as an instructor from =
any other RSTC training program.  A bad instructor from PADI is as bad =
as any other instructor.  If someone has hard stats that more PADI =
divers are getting injured than divers from other training agencies, I =
think PADI would be very interested to hear it, as would I.=20

      I'm sure I'll get some flames on this, but I would be interested =
in rational discussion.  I think that while there are a lot of bad areas =
within PADI, they are no worse than any other agency on the market (GUE =
does seem to be changing things though...).=20

      All that being said, don't get me started on Tec-Rec.=20


  Gary Hagland wrote:=20

   Adam,Have been watching your posts and understand your feelings about =
PADI.  I was certified as an instructor by that agency in 1978 when =
there was an entirely different ethos to their approach to dive =
training.  We took great pride in creating competent divers.  Those =
instructors who took short cuts, rushed classes, and certified marginal =
students were looked upon as scum.  Unfortunately, because of their =
business based system, they are now the norm.  More unfortunately, most =
of those same individuals think they're doing a terrific job because =
they know no better.  They're encapsulated in PADI propaganda.  However, =
most of them one day wake up and discover that their efforts outpace the =
rewards.  The return on investment sucks.  Economically, it doesn't make =
sense to be a dive instructor, especially a incompetent one.  They quit. =
 That's a blessing for the dive community, but their system seems to be =
able to churn out more of the same.  I know some good PADI Instructors, =
but the active ones of my acquaintance have diminished to three. Since =
the beginning of the year here on Okinawa, there have been two confirmed =
cases of DCS among the American military community.  Both were PADI =
Master Scuba Diver Trainers.  One went for a five mile run after =
completing a dive to 190 FSW.  The other spent 30 minutes trying to =
dislodge a porthole from a U.S. ship sunk during the battle here at 146 =
FSW, and which should probably be considered a war grave since 60 =
sailors are still aboard, and ran out of air before he could make his =
first stop at 40 feet.  After 45 minutes he went back to the wreck.  =
During his ascent, he began to feel pain between his 20 and 10 foot =
stops.  Perhaps if PADI made understanding basic decompression theory an =
additional criteria for the rating of MSDT, we would have fewer =
accidents and better training by that agency's instructors. The mantra =
that it's the instructor not the agency is pass=E9.Gary HaglandOkinawa, =

  -----Original Message-----=20
  From: Adam [mailto:deepwrecks@ya*.co*]=20
  Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 1:52 AM=20
  To: William Anzueto=20
  Subject: Re: WARNING - Coffee Alert=20

  When PADI started they where non profit organization. I am not against =
PADI making money. I stand against PADI's bullshit to lower the =
standards to produce instructors and sell impressive but worthless =
titles. They are certifying instructors regardless of their skills and =
teaching ability to gain market share.Because PADI believes more =
instructors produce more divers. More divers mean more money. Do you =
know instructor candidates will be marked down if they fail to promote =
up coming classes. (Basket weaving or perhaps Pumpkin Carving Specialty =
any one) As I said again and again there are great instructors out =
there. The ultimate insult to all good instructors regardless of agency =
who worked hard and care about quality, safety of their students is to =
be put in to the same class as these morons. Because they happened to =
share the same Master Instructor Trainer title. Difference is one earned =
the title and the other bought it. ;-)<?xml:namespace prefix =3D o ns =
=3D "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />=20



  William Anzueto <willanz@ms*.co*> wrote:=20

  Interesting that you should post this....=20
  I wonder what kind of business you are they make money by =
providing a service or material? That's what makes the world go round. =
So yes PADI is in for making money...and now the rest of the agencies =
are cachting up.=20

  My training:=20
  PADI Instructor.=20
  GUE Cave 1 and doing Cave 2 next month.=20
  My opinion on just makes the outline....the instructor =
makes a big difference.=20
  I train my courses since GUE Cave 1 very differently.=20
  Dive soon,=20
  "Cave Country , FL"=20


  Do You Yahoo!?=20
  Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices!

  -- Send mail for the `techdiver' mailing list to =
`'. Send subscribe/unsubscribe requests to =

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<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff lang=3DEN-US link=3Dblue style=3D"tab-interval: =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Just my 2 cents worth. I was on a dive =
in S.C. it=20
was a PADI shop and there was a PADI instructor(instroketer)teaching =
some OW=20
people. This one lady very nice was just married to a guy who was a =
diver they=20
were planning to do a late honeymoon in coz. so she thought she would =
him and get certified to dive. Well as I later found out she =
scared to deth of the ocean and the dumb ass instructor told her the =
only way=20
she would get certified was to go on this dive(dive was 110 ft remember =
certification here). Well on the way out she heard some people talking =
seeing some sharks and she got REAL nervous then seasick, and couldn't =
do the=20
dive. When we got back she asked if she could do some more inland diving =
to get=20
better first and the instructor said "no if you want to do this we =
will be=20
going out tomarrow and that will be the only way(in the ocean where =
afraid)you'll get certified.When I heard that I told him I thought he =
was an=20
asshole and that the lady probably wont ever get certified.He didn't =
like that,=20
and I also told him what I thought about the rest of his =
operation(didn't check=20
cards or ask about experience just Put Another Dollar In and lets =
what the last time I was in SO.CO. I heard he was going to teach =
diving, can't wait to see that cluster f__k.  PADI what a way to =
<DIV> </DIV>
style=3D"BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: =
  <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial">----- Original Message ----- </DIV>
  style=3D"BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; FONT: 10pt arial; font-color: =
  <A href=3D"mailto:Art.Paltz@R2*.CO*"=20
  title=3DArt.Paltz@R2*.CO*>Art.Paltz@R2K.COM</A> </DIV>
  <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>To:</B> <A=20
  href=3D""=20></A> </DIV>
  <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Sent:</B> Thursday, March 15,
2001 =
  <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Subject:</B> RE: WARNING - Coffee
  <DIV class=3DSection1>
  <P class=3DMsoNormal><SPAN class=3DEmailStyle18><FONT color=3Dnavy =
  style=3D"FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; mso-bidi-font-size: =
  are we trying to place blame on one person or the other?<SPAN=20
  style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">  </SPAN>It’s both for Gods =
  style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">  </SPAN>There are some really great=20
  instructors out there, connected with different agencies, just like =
there are=20
  bad ones!<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">  </SPAN>I think the =
  are at fault for not policing their instructors and making it harder =
to get an=20
  instructor license and keeping it.<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: =
yes"> =20
  </SPAN>They are also at fault for not making their materials more =
in-depth and=20
  being slow to react to new information.<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: =
yes"> =20
  </SPAN>They are also at fault for not having tougher standards when =
  someone something that can easily get you killed if there is the =
  screw up.<o:p></o:p></SPAN></FONT></SPAN></P>
  <P class=3DMsoNormal><SPAN class=3DEmailStyle18><FONT color=3Dnavy =
  style=3D"FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; mso-bidi-font-size: =
12.0pt"><![if =
!supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></SPAN></FONT><
  <P class=3DMsoNormal><SPAN class=3DEmailStyle18><FONT color=3Dnavy =
  style=3D"FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; mso-bidi-font-size: =
  instructors are also at fault.<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">  =

  </SPAN>They have the ability of being either good teachers or bad =
  style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">  </SPAN>A good teacher knows his/her =

  limitations and knows not to cross them.<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: =
yes"> =20
  </SPAN>Just about anyone can probably teach a resort course in warm =
  water at 40 feet on a reef.<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">  =
  this is your limitation, don’t apply for a deep cold =
certification and take=20
  someone in that environment and pretend to know what you are talking=20
  about.<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">  </SPAN>One of my =
biggest problems=20
  is that there is no real connection between what the instructor knows =
or that=20
  they keep up their skills for that instruction level.<SPAN=20
  style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">  </SPAN>How many instructors do you =
know who=20
  can teach you wreck specialty when all they do is one or 2 local dives =
  spending the rest of their diving career in the Caribbean looking at =
fish on a=20
  reef or swimming around a wreck?<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: =
yes"> =20
  <P class=3DMsoNormal><SPAN class=3DEmailStyle18><FONT color=3Dnavy =
  style=3D"FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; mso-bidi-font-size: =
12.0pt"><![if =
!supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></SPAN></FONT><
  <P class=3DMsoNormal><SPAN class=3DEmailStyle18><FONT color=3Dnavy =
  style=3D"FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; mso-bidi-font-size: =
  got plenty of instructors up here in the NE that can teach you dry =
suit diving=20
  and give you some cockamamie certification for it when all they do is =
dive in=20
  a quarry and make one local boat trip.<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: =
yes"> =20
  </SPAN>The rest of the time they are taking people to warm water.<SPAN =

  style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">  </SPAN>On the other hand there are =
  instructors that pretty much only dive in their local =
  style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">  </SPAN>You typically don’t =
see them giving=20
  you some tropical fish identification certification…..<SPAN=20
  style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">  </SPAN>Good instructors and bad =
  style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">  </SPAN>I think what constitutes a =
  instructor is attitude (not caring if you actually understand =
something or=20
  not) as well as not knowing their=20
  <P class=3DMsoNormal><SPAN class=3DEmailStyle18><FONT color=3Dnavy =
  style=3D"FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; mso-bidi-font-size: =
12.0pt"><![if =
!supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></SPAN></FONT><
  <P class=3DMsoNormal><SPAN class=3DEmailStyle18><FONT color=3Dnavy =
  style=3D"FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; mso-bidi-font-size: =
  both, agencies and instructors….<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: =
yes"> =20
  </SPAN>By no means a complete =
  <P class=3DMsoNormal><SPAN class=3DEmailStyle18><FONT color=3Dnavy =
  style=3D"FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; mso-bidi-font-size: =
12.0pt"><![if =
!supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></SPAN></FONT><
  <P class=3DMsoNormal><SPAN class=3DEmailStyle18><FONT color=3Dnavy =
  style=3D"FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; mso-bidi-font-size: =
  thread is starting to get very =
  <P class=3DMsoNormal><SPAN class=3DEmailStyle18><FONT color=3Dnavy =
  style=3D"FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; mso-bidi-font-size: =
12.0pt"><![if =
!supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></SPAN></FONT><
  <P class=3DMsoNormal><SPAN class=3DEmailStyle18><FONT color=3Dnavy =
  style=3D"FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; mso-bidi-font-size: =
  <P class=3DMsoNormal><SPAN class=3DEmailStyle18><FONT color=3Dnavy =
  style=3D"FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; mso-bidi-font-size: =
12.0pt"><![if =
!supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></SPAN></FONT><
  <P class=3DMsoNormal><SPAN class=3DEmailStyle18><FONT color=3Dnavy =
  style=3D"FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; mso-bidi-font-size: =
12.0pt"><![if =
!supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></SPAN></FONT><
  <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN-LEFT: 0.5in"><FONT color=3Dblack =
  style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; FONT-SIZE: =
  Message-----<BR><B><SPAN style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT:
bold">From:</SPAN></B> =
  Greenhouse [mailto:b.greenhouse@ut*.ca*]<BR><B><SPAN=20
  style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Sent:</SPAN></B> Thursday, March 15, 2001 =
  PM<BR><B><SPAN style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold">To:</SPAN></B>=20
  style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Cc:</SPAN></B> =<BR><B><SPAN=20
  style=3D"FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Subject:</SPAN></B> Re: WARNING - Coffee=20
  <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN-LEFT: 0.5in"><FONT face=3D"Times =
New Roman"=20
  size=3D3><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 12pt"><![if =
!supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p></SPAN></FONT><
  <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN-LEFT: 0.5in"><FONT color=3Dblack=20
  face=3D"Times New Roman" size=3D3><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: black; =
FONT-SIZE: 12pt">Gary=20
  </SPAN></FONT><FONT color=3Dblack><SPAN=20
  style=3D"COLOR: black; mso-color-alt: =
  <P style=3D"MARGIN-LEFT: 0.5in"><FONT color=3Dblack face=3D"Times New =
  size=3D3><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-SIZE: =
12pt">    I agree=20
  with you on most points except your last one.  It is the =
instructor, not=20
  the agency.  Neither of the two MSDTs you talk about were =
practising what=20
  they preach.  PADI has no need to make understanding basic =
  theory an additional criteria for the rating of MSDT.  These two =
  were diving beyond their training.  Unless either of them were =
trained by=20
  a tech agency, they were beyond what they had been taught (which =
  following the Recreational Dive Tables).  If they had tech =
training, then=20
  it's that agency that's to blame (please don't say they were tec-rec). =

  </SPAN></FONT><FONT color=3Dblack><SPAN=20
  style=3D"COLOR: black; mso-color-alt: =
  <P style=3D"MARGIN-LEFT: 0.5in"><FONT color=3Dblack face=3D"Times New =
  size=3D3><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-SIZE: =
12pt">    I'm not=20
  saying that PADI is perfect.  I know a few incredibly incompetent =

  instructors myself.  That being said, teaching a person to dive =
to 30=20
  feet in the carribean isn't that hard.  Students are taught that =
if they=20
  enter an environment different than the one they were trained in, they =
  get an orientation dive with a local divemaster or instructor.  =
  due to attitudes like the ones on this list, people think that it's =
only a=20
  money-grab. While I agree that it is a bit of a money grab, there is =
also some=20
  sense in the madness.  You can't expect every instructor to have =
dove in=20
  every conceivable set of circumstances.  I dive and teach in cold =
  with limited visibility relative to more tropical locales.  =
However, I=20
  don't have a lot of experience in currents, and so I would never try =
and teach=20
  a student how to drift dive.  By recommending that students get =
  in new environments, you can ensure that they get taught by people who =
  experience in that area.  Anyhow, most students will probably =
  venture too far from the conditions in which they were trained.  =
  also advocates that students take a tuneup if they haven't been diving =
for a=20
  while. </SPAN></FONT><FONT color=3Dblack><SPAN=20
  style=3D"COLOR: black; mso-color-alt: =
  <P style=3D"MARGIN-LEFT: 0.5in"><FONT color=3Dblack face=3D"Times New =
  size=3D3><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-SIZE: =
12pt">    There=20
  are many bad things about PADI, not the least of which is (what I =
perceive as)=20
  the lax standards for IDC admission.  However, I think that a =
  instructor from PADI is as good as an instructor from any other RSTC =
  program.  A bad instructor from PADI is as bad as any other=20
  instructor.  If someone has hard stats that more PADI divers are =
  injured than divers from other training agencies, I think PADI would =
be very=20
  interested to hear it, as would I. </SPAN></FONT><FONT =
  style=3D"COLOR: black; mso-color-alt: =
  <P style=3D"MARGIN-LEFT: 0.5in"><FONT color=3Dblack face=3D"Times New =
  size=3D3><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-SIZE: =
12pt">    I'm sure=20
  I'll get some flames on this, but I would be interested in rational=20
  discussion.  I think that while there are a lot of bad areas =
within PADI,=20
  they are no worse than any other agency on the market (GUE does seem =
to be=20
  changing things though...). </SPAN></FONT><FONT
  style=3D"COLOR: black; mso-color-alt: =
  <P style=3D"MARGIN-LEFT: 0.5in"><FONT color=3Dblack face=3D"Times New =
  size=3D3><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-SIZE: =
12pt">    All that=20
  being said, don't get me started on Tec-Rec. </SPAN></FONT><FONT=20
  style=3D"COLOR: black; mso-color-alt: =
  <P style=3D"MARGIN-LEFT: 0.5in"><FONT color=3Dblack face=3D"Times New =
  size=3D3><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-SIZE: 12pt">Ben =
  style=3D"COLOR: black; mso-color-alt: =
  <P style=3D"MARGIN-LEFT: 0.5in"><FONT color=3Dblack face=3D"Times New =
  size=3D3><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-SIZE: 12pt">Gary Hagland =
  </SPAN></FONT><FONT color=3Dblack><SPAN=20
  style=3D"COLOR: black; mso-color-alt: =
  <P class=3DMsoNormal=20
  style=3D"MARGIN-LEFT: 1in; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0.5in; mso-margin-top-alt: =
auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto"><FONT=20
  color=3Dblack face=3D"Times New Roman" size=3D3><SPAN=20
  style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-SIZE: 12pt"> </SPAN></FONT><FONT =
  face=3DArial size=3D2><SPAN=20
  style=3D"COLOR: blue; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 10pt">Adam,Have =
  watching your posts and understand your feelings about PADI.  I =
  certified as an instructor by that agency in 1978 when there was an =
  different ethos to their approach to dive training.  We took =
great pride=20
  in creating competent divers.  Those instructors who took short =
  rushed classes, and certified marginal students were looked upon as=20
  scum.  Unfortunately, because of their business based system, =
they are=20
  now the norm.  More unfortunately, most of those same individuals =
  they're doing a terrific job because they know no better.  =
  encapsulated in PADI propaganda.  However, most of them one day =
wake up=20
  and discover that their efforts outpace the rewards.  The return =
  investment sucks.  Economically, it doesn't make sense to be a =
  instructor, especially a incompetent one.  They quit.  =
That's a=20
  blessing for the dive community, but their system seems to be able to =
  out more of the same.  I know some good PADI Instructors, but the =
  ones of my acquaintance have diminished to three. Since the =
beginning of=20
  the year here on Okinawa, there have been two confirmed cases of DCS =
among the=20
  American military community.  Both were PADI Master Scuba Diver=20
  Trainers.  One went for a five mile run after completing a dive =
to 190=20
  FSW.  The other spent 30 minutes trying to dislodge a porthole =
from a=20
  U.S. ship sunk during the battle here at 146 FSW, and which should =
probably be=20
  considered a war grave since 60 sailors are still aboard, and ran out =
of air=20
  before he could make his first stop at 40 feet.  After 45 minutes =
he went=20
  back to the wreck.  During his ascent, he began to feel pain =
between his=20
  20 and 10 foot stops.  Perhaps if PADI made understanding basic=20
  decompression theory an additional criteria for the rating of MSDT, we =
  have fewer accidents and better training by that agency's=20
  instructors. The mantra that it's the instructor not the agency =
  pass=E9.Gary HaglandOkinawa, Japan</SPAN></FONT><FONT =
  style=3D"COLOR: black"> </SPAN></FONT><FONT color=3Dblack><SPAN=20
  style=3D"COLOR: black; mso-color-alt: =
  <P class=3DMsoNormal=20
  style=3D"MARGIN-LEFT: 1.5in; MARGIN-RIGHT: 1in; mso-margin-top-alt: =
auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto"><FONT=20
  color=3Dblack face=3DTahoma size=3D2><SPAN=20
  style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; FONT-SIZE: =
  Message-----</SPAN></FONT><FONT color=3Dblack><SPAN
style=3D"COLOR: =
  <BR></SPAN></FONT><B><FONT color=3Dblack face=3DTahoma
  style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; =
FONT-WEIGHT: bold">From:</SPAN></FONT></B><FONT=20
  color=3Dblack face=3DTahoma size=3D2><SPAN=20
  style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; FONT-SIZE: 10pt"> Adam [<A =

  color=3Dblack><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: black">
  face=3DTahoma size=3D2><SPAN=20
  style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; =
FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Sent:</SPAN></FONT></B><FONT=20
  color=3Dblack face=3DTahoma size=3D2><SPAN=20
  style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; FONT-SIZE: 10pt"> =
Thursday, March=20
  15, 2001 1:52 AM</SPAN></FONT><FONT color=3Dblack><SPAN =
style=3D"COLOR: black">=20
  <BR></SPAN></FONT><B><FONT color=3Dblack face=3DTahoma
  style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; =
FONT-WEIGHT: bold">To:</SPAN></FONT></B><FONT=20
  color=3Dblack face=3DTahoma size=3D2><SPAN=20
  style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; FONT-SIZE: 10pt"> William=20
  Anzueto</SPAN></FONT><FONT color=3Dblack><SPAN style=3D"COLOR:
black"> =

  <BR></SPAN></FONT><B><FONT color=3Dblack face=3DTahoma
  style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; =
FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Cc:</SPAN></FONT></B><FONT=20
  color=3Dblack face=3DTahoma size=3D2><SPAN=20
  style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; FONT-SIZE: 10pt">=20</SPAN></FONT><FONT color=3Dblack><SPAN=20
  style=3D"COLOR: black"> <BR></SPAN></FONT><B><FONT
color=3Dblack =
  style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; =
FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Subject:</SPAN></FONT></B><FONT=20
  color=3Dblack face=3DTahoma size=3D2><SPAN=20
  style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; FONT-SIZE: 10pt"> Re: =
  Coffee Alert</SPAN></FONT><FONT color=3Dblack><SPAN
style=3D"COLOR: =
  <BR> </SPAN></FONT><FONT color=3Dblack><SPAN=20
  style=3D"COLOR: black; mso-color-alt: =
  <P class=3DMsoNormal=20
  style=3D"MARGIN-LEFT: 1.5in; MARGIN-RIGHT: 1in; mso-margin-top-alt: =
auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto"><FONT=20
  color=3Dblack face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D3><SPAN=20
  style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: 'Comic Sans MS'; FONT-SIZE: =
12pt">When PADI=20
  started they where non profit organization. I am not against PADI =
  money. I stand against PADI's bullshit to lower the standards to =
  instructors and sell impressive but worthless titles. They are =
  instructors regardless of their skills and teaching ability to gain =
  share.Because PADI believes more instructors produce more divers. More =
  mean more money. Do you know instructor candidates will be marked down =
if they=20
  fail to promote up coming classes. (Basket weaving or perhaps Pumpkin =
  Specialty any one) As I said again and again there are great =
instructors out=20
  there. The ultimate insult to all good instructors regardless of =
agency who=20
  worked hard and care about quality, safety of their students is to be =
put in=20
  to the same class as these morons. Because they happened to share the =
  Master Instructor Trainer title. Difference is one earned the title =
and the=20
  other bought it. ;-)<?xml:namespace prefix =3D o ns =3D "<A=20
  /><U1:P></U1:P></SPAN></FONT><FONT color=3Dblack><SPAN =
style=3D"COLOR: black">=20
  </SPAN></FONT><FONT color=3Dblack><SPAN=20
  style=3D"COLOR: black; mso-color-alt: =
  <P class=3DMsoNormal=20
  style=3D"MARGIN-LEFT: 1.5in; MARGIN-RIGHT: 1in; mso-margin-top-alt: =
auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto"><FONT=20
  color=3Dblack face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2><SPAN=20
  style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: 'Comic Sans MS'; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; =
mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt; mso-bidi-font-family: =
  color=3Dblack><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: black"> </SPAN></FONT><FONT =
  style=3D"COLOR: black; mso-color-alt: =
  <P class=3DMsoNormal=20
  style=3D"MARGIN-LEFT: 1.5in; MARGIN-RIGHT: 1in; mso-margin-top-alt: =
auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto"><FONT=20
  color=3Dblack face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2><SPAN=20
  style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: 'Comic Sans MS'; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; =
mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt; mso-bidi-font-family: =
  color=3Dblack><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: black"> </SPAN></FONT><FONT =
  style=3D"COLOR: black; mso-color-alt: =
  <P style=3D"MARGIN-LEFT: 1.5in; MARGIN-RIGHT: 1in"><B><I><FONT =
  face=3D"Times New Roman" size=3D3><SPAN=20
  style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-STYLE: italic; =
FONT-WEIGHT: bold">William=20
  Anzueto <willanz@ms*.co*></SPAN></FONT></I></B><FONT =
  style=3D"COLOR: black"> wrote: <BR>Adam, </SPAN></FONT><FONT =
  style=3D"COLOR: black; mso-color-alt: =
  <P style=3D"MARGIN-LEFT: 1.5in; MARGIN-RIGHT: 1in"><FONT color=3Dblack =

  face=3D"Times New Roman" size=3D3><SPAN=20
  style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-SIZE: 12pt">Interesting that you should =
  this.... <BR>I wonder what kind of business you are they make =
money by=20
  providing a service or material? That's what makes the world go round. =
So yes=20
  PADI is in for making money...and now the rest of the agencies are =
  up. </SPAN></FONT><FONT color=3Dblack><SPAN=20
  style=3D"COLOR: black; mso-color-alt: =
  <P style=3D"MARGIN-LEFT: 1.5in; MARGIN-RIGHT: 1in"><FONT color=3Dblack =

  face=3D"Times New Roman" size=3D3><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: black; =
FONT-SIZE: 12pt">My=20
  training: <BR>PADI Instructor. <BR>GUE Cave 1 and doing Cave 2 next =
  <BR>My opinion on just makes the outline....the =
  makes a big difference. <BR>I train my courses since GUE Cave 1 very=20
  differently. <BR>Dive soon, <BR>William <BR>"Cave Country , FL" =
<BR> =20
  </SPAN></FONT><FONT color=3Dblack><SPAN=20
  style=3D"COLOR: black; mso-color-alt: =
  <DIV align=3Dcenter class=3DMsoNormal=20
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auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto"><B><FONT=20
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  style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Do You=20
  Yahoo!?</SPAN></FONT></B><FONT color=3Dblack><SPAN
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black"> <BR><A=20
  href=3D"">Yahoo! Auctions</A> - Buy the =
things you want=20
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