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From: "Mike" <gasdiver@fr*.co*.uk*>
To: "Michael J. Black" <mjblackmd@ya*.co*>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: Deep Tech
Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 22:40:46 +0100
    Little Billy must think space on
> my boat is unlimited, with a range of choices being the best
> solution.  Do you techno-weenies have a clue how despised you
> are by some boat captains, with all your gear clanging around?
> And speaking of clues, Cobb, do you have any idea how many emails
> I get from lurkers and past whipping boys

As a lurker I must stick my neck out and say that if you base your gas
choice on boat space and fear of upsetting some boat captain then your even
a bigger dumb fxxxk than the others have suggested. Personnally I prefer to
choose the best gas for the dive - I value my life more than some boat
captains feelings

I am neither a DIR expert or big time diver but it strikes me that to come
on to "tech diver" (the names a give away ) and slag divers off as "techno
weenies" because they use gases more complicated than compressed air
suggests you are a complete idiot. I sense the questions put to you
regarding your trimix experiance have exposed you, you are now hiding behind
some lame ass excuse about boat space. Either carry less divers, stick to
dives less than 40m or buy a bigger boat - its not rocket science but dont
compromise your safety by diving air because you cannot carry the cylinders
on your weenie boat

Right Im in lurk mode again


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