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From: "Nat J." <sole_one@me*.co*>
Date: Mon, 8 May 2000 19:16:28 -0700
Subject: re: horror storries
I must admit, I smiled when I read your post.I didn't realize how my me=
ssage sounded. No, 
I'm not an ambulance 
chaser or even a lawyer.You guys sure are a suspicious bunch.I tried to=
 put my name in the 
adresser box but it wasn't working I 
I got it, though. My name is Natalie, I dive in the Northwest and I'm j=
ust a diver who is 
to see the differentiation between stories of divers who have died thro=
ugh thier own 
poor judgment and/or lack of training for the dives they do and the 
instuctors who get black-balled because of their students raging stupid=
And the other side where because of the instructor's negligence these 
incidents happen. =A0Sometimes people do not see the difference between=
two types of episodes. =A0Instuctors can get their reputations ruined b=
y having their students go 
out and do stupid things. "and such and such dead diver was the student=
 of so and so." So 
when people spout that all these divers "died at the hands of thier ins=
tuctors" it makes me 
wonder. I'm asking this list because I don't think there is a book abou=
t it out there. But if you 
know of one please tell me. And I am going to use this information to g=
ive a reply to people 
who go off half cocked about instructors.


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