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Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 06:45:50 -0800 (PST)
From: Esat Atikkan <atikkan@ya*.co*>
Subject: Neoprene & He

--- Hans Petter Roverud <proverud@on*.no*> wrote:
> At 11:22 AM 3/14/00 +0200, Simon Murray wrote:
> >I had a conversation with a long term hardened
> stroke over the weekend and 
> >he told me that his non-crushed neoprene dry suit
> does not change its 
> >buoyancy characteristics as he goes deeper because
> the helium that he uses 
> >to inflate it penetrates the neoprene and stops it
> from crushing.

Indeed He will seep into neoprene (ask commercial
divers who found that they were less warm because
there was He in their mitts).  But wh/ idiot would use
He as suit inflation gas - very poor thermal
insulation properties.
Safe bubbles

Esat Atikkan

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