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From: "Jess Armantrout" <armantrout@wo*.at*.ne*>
To: "Tom Mount" <TOM.MOUNT@wo*.at*.ne*>, <trey@ne*.co*>
Cc: "a n" <>
Subject: Re: stroke tee shirt /dive girl mag
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 21:22:53 -0600
JJ was trying to be polite.  He never said anything contradictory to what G
said.  In tactfully saying "there will always be idiots with bad gear", he
apparently failed to make his point.

If you actually read the section by JJ that you have now posted twice, I
think you will see this to be true.  If you can't figure it out, call JJ.  I
am sure he will be glad to explain it to you in no uncertain terms.

Sincerely GFY,
Jess Armantrout
CEO Armantrout Enterprise Inc. World HQ

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Mount <TOM.MOUNT@wo*.at*.ne*>
To: trey@ne*.co* <trey@ne*.co*>
Cc: a n <>
Date: Wednesday, February 16, 2000 8:47 PM
Subject: Re: stroke tee shirt /dive girl mag

>As far as JJ is concerned I just posted his published configuration section
>fro the IANTD technical Encyclopedia and his concluding statements whether
>or not it is or is not of one mind with you I could care less. It is what
>stated, therefore one would assume it is what he believes thus based on
>you publish and rant about would differ in approach that you do.
>Lets compare George you say do it your way or you are a stroke . do it your
>way with no exceptions, do it your way without question, do it your way or
>be yelled at, cursed at and badgered for weeks months or even years
>JJ states" "two things will undoubtedly remain constant there will always
>new equipment for people to obsess over, and there will
>> always be people arguing over how that equipment should be configured
>> response to these arguments should be based on your actual needs, and on
>the requirements of your diving environment."
>Guess there is some link as to the two of you having one mind in these two
>statement but George it sure is not apparent in how you approach things, so
>are you saying JJ is being untruthful in his statement or heaven forbid
>we all misread you and you agree with what JJ said and simply like the
>ability to express yourself adequately.
>JJ's statement mirrors what a lot of us state, believe and encourage.
>George Your approach is quite different and is expressed more in the terms
>one would expect from an 8th grade bully.
>As far as records George I have none today but as you know and all the dive
>history books detail I have had my share, but then again we set them just
>because of our love of diving and interest in seeing something new. our
>records were broke frequently as we all shared information and site
>locations.It was not uncommon for a record to be broke one day then that
>night when divers were sitting around a camp fire (in those days cave
>camped out a lot and it served as a social event) and the dives were
>discussed that others who took part in the discussion broke the record the
>next day. As I said we enjoyed what we were doing and as a whole most of us
>got along quite well. In fact overall that was pretty true until YOU came
>the scene with your belligerent attitude.  But I guess that is what many
>today call the good old days. Today is better as far as technology and for
>the majority most still do get along. Most either patiently tolerate or
>simply ignore your spoiled child type behavior
>George unlike you I evolved and along with numerous others was responsible
>for a lot of the evolvement in technique and equipment in cave and
>diving. I formed one of the first cave diving groups in the USA the
>Aquamarine Cave Dwellers (named after a dive shop and commercial diving
>operation I had in the sixties)which we later changed the name to the
>Florida Cave Dwellers and then it evolved to the NACD we developed
>educational, programs, techniques for cave diving, and  equipment
>Remember when we started there were no BC's no SPG's and no gas management
>rules. It was our generations that developed these procedures and we are
>still evolving. You simply emerged many years later and was fortunate
>to have Parker Turner( a good friend of mine and a student of my dive
>Partner Frank Martz)take you under his wing and teach you the basics of
>caving and exploration and then Bill Gavin developed your exploration
>skills. Today you are lucky to have JJ pulling the way for you ..
>The important thing is for people to understand what they do and how they
>configure their equipment, how they select good education programs and how
>they perfect their technique and knowledge and their mental relationship
>with what ever they are doing. Good divers THINK, they do not just blindly
>follow or close their eyes to evolution. As I stated each person should
>think it through and see the logic in each thing they do and in equipment
>configuration and then they should do it correctly.
>As always George you still remind me of the kid in 8th grade who thought
>they were a bully and then everyone else around them grew up mentally as
>well as physically. Most even learned how to communicate with and have
>social relationships with other people. Such values as ethics, honesty ,
>respect YOU know George, all those things you do not understand.
>George it is sad that you present yourself in the manner you do because you
>do in fact have many good ideas , you also have some that are not so good
>and while you can share some of the good you are to closed minded to ever
>except those lessons you could learn.
>By the way what happened to your new love Trialothons, I thought you were
>doing the iron man.
>Respectfully yours,
>Tom Mount
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Trey <trey@ne*.co*>
>To: Tom Mount <TOM.MOUNT@wo*.at*.ne*>
>Cc: a n <>
>Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2000 5:49 AM
>Subject: Re: stroke tee shirt /dive girl mag
>> Mouth, there is nothing fun or funny about you , your oganization, or
>> your mindless drivel. You have never done a real dive in your life, and
>> neither has anyone in your organization. For that reason, and your
>> inability to learn anything from the pros, you have no clue what you are
>> talking about, and what you have had jammed down your throat you still
>> do not understand intuitively.
>> You are correct in one thing - nothing you do is DIR, and DIR is not
>> "Hogarth" . By the way , it is "Hogarthian", you dislexic, malapropic
>> moron.
>> I need to clear up one thing that you keep trying to obfuscate. Jarrod
>> and I are of ONE MIND on all issues of diving. Your insunuations to the
>> contrary are more of your twisted nonsense.
>> Anytime you want to argue anything where you think I am wrong, I will be
>> happy to make as ass out of you publicly and show how little you know,
>> how little thought you have put into any of this, and how little
>> exprerience you have ( none to be exact) with the real thing. I wil also
>> be glad to show how virtualy nothing you think makes even the tiniest
>> bit of common sense. Bring it on.
>> Tom Mount wrote:
>> >
>> > First the shirts were for fun, we thought they were funny and still do
>> > have nothing to do about endorsing anything except ones freedom to
>> > discuss issues rather than blindly following someone
>> >
>> > Errol made a comment about records i have had few I do not have any
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