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To: <dspiliotis@in*.kr*.co*>
Subject: 2/2 Offgassing from a tek.d
From: scot@bt*.co* (Scot Anderson)
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 1995 11:23:22 -0500
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>Date: 26 Jan 1995 23:40:51 U
>From: "Roger Carlson" <Roger_Carlson@at*.sp*.tr*.co*>
>Subject: 2/2 Offgassing from a tek.d
>To: "aquaCorps" <aquacorp@sh*.ne*>,
>        "Michael Menduno" <73204.542@co*.co*>,
>        "List TechDiver" <>
>part 2 of 2
>        On Monday, the final day of the show, I spent most of the day on the
>exhibition floor, studying the four rebreathers present, but after Nuytten's
>talks, I didn't want to miss the tek.Banquet luncheon, at which Graham Hawkes
>would speak on his submersibles: the Wasp, Deep Rover, and his new concept
>submersible, Deep Flight.
>        Hawkes was another wonderful speaker. He warmed us up by telling a few
>stories about the fun you can have with a Wasp when there are divers in the
>water with you. One story was about the time he was in a lock with a diver,
>since the diver was the biggest animal in the lock, he was naturally the most
>fun to play with. Hawkes decided to see how noisy the thrusters really were by
>seeing how close he could sneak up on the diver.
>        Very close.
>        Hawkes ended up giving the diver a bear hug with the Wasp's arms. "He
>went rigid, and then he went limp. At first, I thought I'd killed him, and
>that might have been better. Now, I don't know about you, but when I turn my
>head, it only goes about this far, but somehow, the diver got his all the way
>        Then on the set of the Bond movie, For Your Eyes Only, that's Hawkes
>in the Jim suit and the other submersibles again. They asked him to fly a
>submersible up and over the camera for one shot. Hawkes didn't want to; the
>camera was so valuable, only a few people were even allowed to touch it.
>Hawkes was afraid of hitting it with the submersible. Somehow, they talked him
>into it, and set the camera up on a tripod, with two big lights behind it, and
>five divers in attendance.
>        The submersible hit the camera square on.
>        This knocked down several divers, and the wash and confusion brought
>down the lights, and pinned down the rest of the divers. Hawkes was afraid of
>what the thruster blades would do to all the arms and legs, so he killed the
>throttle in the submersible.
>        And gently set down on the pile of divers.
>        He was concerned, of course, but by the time the divers fought the
>battle for regulators, got themselves together, and looked in the dome, Hawkes
>couldn't control his laughing. "They were pretty certain I'd done it on
>purpose, but they asked me to do it again. So I did it again. The whole thing.
>Now they were confused. I wouldn't do it on purpose twice, so we did it a
>third time."
>        This time, even though he blew ballast early, he was still heading for
>disaster, praying the divers would scatter like sane people, and give him room
>to maneuver. One finally broke ranks and fled. Hawkes dipped a wing, made it
>through the gap, on to safety... and the diver stopped and turned around, and
>got folded over the dome and carried on.
>        I happened to be sitting with Ross Saxon, head of the Association of
>Diving Contractors; he shook his head a lot. If I am ever in the water with a
>great white and Graham Hawkes in the Wasp, I'd rather take my eyes off the
>shark than Hawkes. On the other hand, I'd put up with a lot for a ride in one
>of Hawkes' submersibles.
>        Hawkes finally told us about the new stuff. He just built two new Deep
>Rovers, the submersibles with the big bubble for a cabin (there's one in the
>movie The Abyss), for a French filming company. They should have some new
>films for us to watch soon. Hawkes said he hates when customers take away his
>toys, so he's building one just for himself: Deep Flight. Here, I refer you to
>Hard, for pictures and an interview. It looks like a stub-winged fighter jet,
>and Hawkes says it should do about 12 knots, but right now, it's batteries
>only last 7 minutes. It isn't quite done yet.
>        The pilot lies down in the body of the short craft, and his head and
>shoulders are entirely out in a clear bubble on the front of the plane. Hawkes
>said that the clear material vanishes underwater; in Deep Rover, he reaches
>out, and isn't sure when (or if) his finger will touch glass. "You wouldn't
>believe it. You really should see it." Well, I'd like to, now that you mention
>        I did get to see a NewtSuit. The US company that contracts with Hard
>Suits and is using the NewtSuit was there, with one of theirs in a rack.
>They're right: it's smaller than you think outside, bigger than you think
>inside. Like most of the tools there, it was being used for some unexpected
>purposes: it was often being used to find and recover rare WWII aircraft for
>museum restoration. Some of the pictures he had of rotten fuselages didn't
>look like much, yet somehow, they could be turned into museum pieces worth
>hiring a NewtSuit for.
>        Another item that was seeing some unexpected usage was a software
>package called Melian, from Webster Associates. Pretty simple stuff, actually:
>you told the software about your sensors, sidescan sonar, magnetometers,
>whatever, you told it how close to space tracks, how tight to make turns to
>keep the sensors flying, you plugged the sensors and the autopilot into it,
>and then you waited while it drove your boat and mapped the bottom for you.
>They just developed it for some contracts they had, and it worked so well they
>thought they'd see if anyone else liked it, so they came to tek. I liked it. I
>just need a boat and some sensors, and I'll get it.
>        Beuchat was there. I haven't seen their 190 cuft tank before. It
>seemed a lot bigger than my OMS 120.
>        Cochran was there, with their newest Nemesis. There were posts about
>it earlier. It still looks good, the software interface keeps growing, it may
>one day work with the Abyss software, and there is an upgrade plan for old
>        Force Fin was there. I said above that Nuytten's putting Force Fins on
>the light NewtSuit. I mentioned this to Bob Evans, the inventor, and he got
>all excited. He said he just thought of something a day or two ago that's even
>better, hasn't even told Nuytten about it yet and couldn't tell me. Evans is a
>mad scientist, and a lot of fun. He loves what he is doing, and his brain
>won't stop churning out new ideas. However, he's gotten pretty tired of some
>of the dive industry politics. He said that one big chain stopped selling his
>fins and is telling people that somebody drowned in them. He said it made him
>think about quitting. He was really excited and happy to be at tek with some
>real divers. It was a lot of fun talking to him; his excitement was
>contagious, and if I said something he liked, he'd get even more excited. He
>had a pile of fins in the corner of his booth, all kinds of concepts, many
>brands with skegs on them, all kinds of ideas. You'd start talking to him, and
>he'd pull one out of the pile and have all the ideas embodied right there to
>show you. I told him I noticed that each level of Force Fin had a certain
>power band that it worked best in, and to prepare for emergencies or current
>or lots of gear, I wanted a stiff fin, but was afraid it would be too
>inefficient at low power. He was thrilled. He showed me the new fin, the stiff
>one with the adjustable skegs. The most powerful, the fastest fin on the
>market, he hoped. The skegs even adjust its power. Turn them out, and you can
>cruise along. Turn them in above the blade until they are almost touching, and
>when the fin flexes, a venturi forms in the pocket under the skegs. He was
>getting more excited when I knew what a venturi was, that somebody understood
>his stuff. I asked him if the cleats on the bottom were to make turbulent
>flow, to keep it attached, and I thought he was going to bust. I asked him
>about cave divers using his fin, since they can't scull or frog kick with
>Force Fins, and he got excited again. His fin directs flow backward, not out,
>so a normal kick, the most powerful kick, won't churn up silt. Cave divers
>don't have to torture themselves with weird kicks anymore, and benefit more
>than anybody from his fin.
>        Bob Evans is lots of fun. I want to try his new fin out. I'll let you
>know how it is. And if you see him at a conference, talk to him. He'll cheer
>you up.
>        OK, finally, the rebreathers. There were four at the show: two fully
>closed, the Cis-Lunar and the Oceanic Phibian; two semi-closed, the Prism and
>the BMD. The Phibian and the BMD were new to me, and I spent some time with
>each of them.
>        If you don't understand semi- and fully-closed, let's start there. If
>you do, skip down. I know we've got some new subscribers who want to learn
>about rebreathers, so here we go.
>        Fully closed systems typically have two gases on board, pure oxygen,
>and the diluent, which can be any gas: air, nitrox, trimix, heliox, pure neon,
>whatever. An onboard computer fills the breathing loop with diluent and oxygen
>to a life-sustaining level. By keeping the O2 level high, there is less inert
>gas to load your tissues, so on the way down, your computer would be mixing
>you nitrox. At the bottom, your computer will have you on a low O2 mix,
>perhaps pure diluent, to keep O2 partial pressures below toxicity range. On
>the way up, the computer will mix oxygen in as quickly as is safe, to speed
>decompression, until near the surface, you are breathing pure oxygen.
>        For bailout purposes, it would be nice if the diluent was something
>with oxygen that could sustain you if your computer died and couldn't mix for
>you any more.
>        On the way down, the computer will be adding both gases, to keep the
>loop full. On the bottom, the computer will be adding only oxygen, since the
>only gas lost is metabolized oxygen. Oxygen is metabolized and CO2 is produced
>at the same rate, regardless of depth. So little gas is used overall that
>fully closed systems are typically limited in duration not by gas supplies,
>but by the amount of CO2 that the chemical scrubber can remove from the loop.
>        On the way up, the loop will be overpressurized and vent gas. Divers
>with bad buoyancy control will waste gas, and may find themselves limited by
>gas supplies.
>        Semi-closed systems have only one gas on board. It had better be
>breathable. As you breathe and gas flows around the loop, oxygen is lost, but
>rather than add pure O2 to replace it, gas is added. Let's say the gas is
>EAN50, to keep the math simple. If you've consumed a liter of oxygen, you need
>a liter of oxygen. To get it, you have to add two liters of EAN50, by dumping
>an additional liter of gas from the loop. Semi closed systems actually achieve
>this by keeping a steady flow at a *critically* measured rate into the loop.
>Semi-closed systems are actually constantly bubbling, although more quietly
>than scuba. They are typically limited in duration by gas supplies, but you
>might be able to simply bring more. Some manufacturers argue that since divers
>rarely stay at one level, semi-closed is as efficient as closed, since both
>systems will be constantly dumping gas on a sawtooth profile. Semi closed
>systems are simpler, and do not need to be computer controlled. I'm making
>some sweeping statements here, oversimplifying a lot, but this should be
>enough to get you through the rest of the post. I know there are exceptions.
>Ask me questions or flame me as you choose. If you want more, I'll help, but
>the first thing I'd recommend is getting an aquaCorps back issue, C2.
>        The Cis-Lunar was well described in Steve Millard's recent post, so
>I'll be brief on it. It is everything you've heard, maybe everything you want.
>It has the look of a really well built, really durable, really efficient tool.
>This unit in particular had the marks of standing up well to some really heavy
>use. This was not a concept mock-up. This thing works. The Mark IV is not that
>streamlined; the new Mark V should be better.
>        The Oceanic Phibian was there in concept form. It should be out later
>this year. There are two models, and a few options, so pricing is uncertain,
>but my guess is it starts higher than the semi-closed, uncomputerized units,
>and lower than the Cis-Lunar. If you buy the redundancy for the Phibian that
>the Cis-Lunar has, it may cost as much.
>        Like the Cis-Lunar, the Phibian is fully computerized and will keep
>you at a high PO2 to speed decompression. The rebreather, including the
>breathing bag and 2 or 4 small cylinders, is entirely housed in a hard shell
>that slips into what is basically a large pocket on the back of a BC. The
>whole package is about as streamlined as a rebreather can get. This is the
>rebreather with the most inside the case; all four have some kind of BC
>bladder outside, and the other 3 have their breathing bags outside. The
>breathing bag inside on the Phibian may be a little high, and since it will be
>displacing water inside a case, it might be a little hard to breathe on. It
>will be interesting to see. The Phibian was not going to be available in the
>pool sessions, and I couldn't stay anyway.
>        The base Phibian comes with one computer, which hides under the stack
>in the shell, and one display, a solid case with a large LCD display. The
>displays looked good, clear and complete. The computer listens to 3 oxygen
>sensors; a CO2 sensor can be added. The 4 cylinder model can handle mix. The
>cylinders are mounted inverted, with valves and purge controls on the bottom,
>where the user can easily reach them. Flooding is recovered from by hitting a
>purge and overpressuring the loop; there is a vent on the bottom of the stack,
>the lowest point in the system, to vent water. Duration, as in most fully
>closed systems, is limited by the absorbent, and should be 4-6 hours at any
>        The BMD and the Prism are semi-closed systems. However, there are
>several differences between the two. The Prism is a very simple system, and
>the least expensive. It consists of a breathing bag, a canister of absorbent,
>and enough plumbing to get air to your mouth. You attach the system to your
>own BC and cylinder; the canister rides on back next to your tank, and the
>breathing bag goes on your chest. The canister looks large and not
>streamlined, something like 8 inches across and perhaps a foot high, like the
>lower half of a scuba tank. 
>        The BMD unit comes with its own cylinders and vest; the stack,
>cylinders, and plumbing fit into a shell which rides on back of the vest. I
>was very impressed by the BMD's breathing bags: there are two of them, toroids
>around each arm inside the vest. With this layout, whatever the diver's
>orientation, there should be a breathing bag available at lung level for easy
>breathing. There are four small cylinders inside the backpack; I was surprised
>to see that they were composite and perhaps high pressure. I can't get fills
>at pressures high enough to justify composites, and they probably add expense.
>The BMD also had an Orca Phoenix attached; I'm not sure how it handles mixes
>other than air.
>        The biggest difference between the two is the flow control used to add
>gas to the loop. The Prism uses a mass-flow valve, basically setting a flow
>rate. The BMD, as I understand it, uses another kind of valve that simply
>dumps 25% of each exhaled breath overboard and out through a nice diffuser to
>keep things quiet.
>        You know, if all you fish guys want is silence, that's not hard.
>        Anyway, by my math, the BMD unit very simply stretches air consumption
>by 4 times. The Prism's consumption rate is based on flow, but is probably
>similar.  The Prism's flow rate is adjustable; it didn't sound like the BMD
>is. Here's an interesting note on semi closed: you are actually breathing a
>lower PO2 than what is in your cylinder, if you think about it. The BMD people
>had worked out the math, and were quick to tell me that if you use air in
>their system, you are actually getting EAN17. Nice to know. Since a lower
>percentage of O2 is consumed at depth, I bet the O2 level is higher at depth,
>and lower near the surface, kind of opposite what you want. Perhaps not
>significant, but this is a forum where we split hairs.
>        Anyway, one final note, and I'll wrap this up. I've heard that more
>than one Prism rep based his sales pitch on what's wrong with the Cis-Lunar:
>it's sooo high maintenance, so expensive, uses just as much gas on sawtooth
>profiles, blah blah blah. Well, at his booth, Peter Readey, the Prism's
>inventor, gave me the same negative sales pitch. This attitude starts at the
>top. I hope somehow he reads this. It really turned me off. I like the
>I like the Prism. I like all the rebreathers. They are all different. I wanted
>to hear what was right with the Prism. There is a lot right with the Prism. It
>will probably sell more than the others, based on price alone. I wish Readey
>had answered my question instead of jumping on the competition. He's built
>rebreathers before, including fully closed, and he knew exactly what he was
>doing when he made the Prism. He had a world of options when he built it, so
>he I know he knows all it's good points. I wish he'd told them to me.
>        I hate to end on that note, but I've finally run out of things to say.
> This show was so worthwhile that I plan on making the long trip to New
>Orleans next year. I did my best at the show to try to get a job in the
>industry so I'd have an excuse to. I hope other people, and the industry, got
>as much out of it as I did. I'd really like to thank Michael Menduno and
>everyone at aquaCorps for calling everyone to this party, and then working so
>hard throughout it.
> Roger Carlson                        H 310-frogger
> Somewhere off Hermosa Beach, CA      W 310-813-0858
> Roger_Carlson@at*.sp*.tr*.co*      F 310-812-1363
>Send mail for the `techdiver' mailing list to `'.
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Scot Anderson             <scot@bt*.co*> 

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