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From: "Flank, Bernard" <Bernard.Flank@tu*.co*>
To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: Laser eye surgery
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 14:02:38 -0500
FWIW the official Navy Diving policy is excerpted below from BUMED policy
The Navy is apparently OK with PRK for divers but not RK or LASIK.

B.L. Flank

"2- Diving/Special Warfare duty: The only warfare community for which PRK is
not considered disqualifying. All other forms of corneal refractive surgery,
including radial keratotomy (RK) and Laser In Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK), are
disqualifying and waiver recommendations will normally not be considered. 

Applicants for entry into diving duty, including special operations and special
warfare, must have a six-month waiting period following their most recent
corneal surgery prior to their qualifying examination. An ophthalmologist or
optometrist, together with an undersea medical officer will determine when
designated diving and special warfare personnel may return to full duty
following corneal surgery. 

Personnel electing to have PRK must receive authorization from their commanding
officer prior to the surgery. This provision does not pertain to new accessions
into active duty, who must comply with guidelines for new accessions, as
summarized in question (6)."

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin M. Quigley [mailto:quiglem@ib*.ne*]
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 10:41 PM
To: simonm@ho*.co*.za*;
Subject: Re: Laser eye surgery

You might be interested in the following URL: After Eye Surgery

RK (radial keratotomy) is permanently disqualifying for Navy Divers - my
guess is that they'd feel the same about Lasik.

Realistically, from a diving complication perspective, I'd wait 3 months
after surgery before resuming diving.

(In addition to being an active cave diver, I'm a physician trained by
NOAA in Diving Medicine).

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