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From: <kirvine@sa*.ne*>
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2000 02:09:42 -0500
To: ScottBonis@ao*.co*
Subject: Re: Cave training
Scott, actually the white stuff tastes pretty good, and I check my
backup lights with a voltmeter before every dive - a good practice.
I wish I could retire and cave dive in every day, but am having too much
fun not being retired and doing it anyway.

ScottBonis@ao*.co* wrote:
> kirvine@sa*.ne*    wrote
> <<Scott, I do not need any cave training but maybe you could give me a
> Peacock to Pothole in Electronic Engineering, just for kicks, and then a
> Phd certificate to go with it. Thanks.>>
> OK George, here we go.
> 1)  Don't climb on metal transmission towers during a lightening storm.
> 2)  Change the batteries in your backup lights every month.
> 3)  Don't lick the white fuzz off the terminals of your car's battery.  And
> 4)  No matter what you are thinking, don't hold the black wire in one hand
> and the white wire in the other while standing barefoot in a puddle.
> I now pronounce you fully authorized to Pile it Higher and Deeper.
> Take care and regards from Akumal,     Scott

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