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From: <kirvine@sa*.ne*>
Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1999 20:01:59 -0500
To: captjt@mi*.co*, bigvon@be*.ne*
CC: techdiver <>
Subject: sorry for being an asshole
Bill, Jt, I have to appologize to both of you for being an asshole
about the steel tank thing and the bottle marking thing. It would have
been a lot easier for me to have explained what I was saying properly,
instead of being a jerk about it.

 The fact is that the only reason I know about the tank and double wing
problem is that I tried it and found out the hard way, and the same for
the tank markings - I used to put "feet" on them until I almost breathed
a 70 at 120 and then could never tell what the hell my bottles said on

 It would obviously be a lot more productive for me to not assume
everyone is a mindreader and a stroke for doing every stupid thing that
I did, and I did not miss any of them ( I never bought a sqaure light
and that was only because I never saw one - Bill Mee , of all people ,
did however) , and it would be a lot more productive to articulate the
real story instead of being lazy about it and geting jacked because my
bluff gets called. I don't need to get my way all the time.

 Privately I asked both of you guys to come down here some time in the
winter when there is no diving elsewhere to dive Palm Beach with us and
do some fun stuff and get a chance to go over the stuff in person where
it takes seconds to get an idea across properly and the diving is

  I know that both of you are not doing anything that is intentionally
stupid or dangerous . While there was some really stupid things said by
others ( mostly to do with air diving), you two have not been guilty of
any of that. My bullshit just puts you in a corner where nothing comes
out sounding too good.
  I would like to put some productive time in this winter diving with
people who want to see what we are doing , and even get some of the
interested to participate in our Project - just showing up and watching
is a learning experience for most people.

  No , Tom Mouth did not fake this post, I'm still nuts, just admitting
when I am wrong in any way .

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