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From: "SM" <divebimbo@li*.fr*.co*.uk*>
To: "Jim Cobb" <cobber@ci*.co*>,
     "Lawrence Orchard-London" ,
     "Techdiver List Server (E-mail)"
Subject: Re: Lusitania...
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 20:25:21 +0100
> all those cameras and not one underwater shot. You don't suppose they 
> forgot to put film in their cameras? Or where they too busy dealing with 
> clusters to take a single picture. You limies ought to be ashamed of 
> yourselves, this guys make the average Doria trip look like a DIR 
> convention...

Another explanation is to get hold of this month's edition of Scuba World
from the UK. There is a great article where they "explain" the intricacies
of Hogarthian kit configuration.

It's easy to spot, it's the one where the accompanying main photograph is
of a set of double independants being strapped on to a Zeagle (or something
similar) with a pair of cam-bands. It also has a photograph of how to rig
the inflation hose on your bungee wings. And where it mentions in the text
breathing the long hose gets in the way, or where the author "recommends"
(but doesn't insist) on a manifold being used with his "Hogarthian" rig. UK
Hogarthian obviously means dive with all the same crap you did before but
as long as you breathe the long hose you will be fine. They left out the
correct placement of stickers for stage bottles -- maybe that is next

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