At 07:50 PM 8/16/99 -0400, Joel Silverstein wrote: Hello Joel, >That's not it -- they just dont understand that its not needed. They dont >understand partial pressures, they dont understand that you dont need a >hypoxix mix for a 250 fsw dive, [SNIP] Am I missing something here? A normoxic mix at 250 fsw has a PO2 of 1.8 AtA. At 19.2% O2, the PO2 is 1.6 AtA and at 16.9% it's 1.4 AtA. To dive safely at 250 fsw, a hypoxic mix at no more than 16.9% O2 should be used. Now, 16.9% O2 is perfectly breathable all the way from the surface to the bottom, of course, and reaches a normoxic PO2 just a few feet below the surface so a travel mix is not needed and doesn't makes sense on this dive, but the mix *does* have to be hypoxic to be safe. -Mike Rodriguez <mikey@ma*.co*> -- Send mail for the `techdiver' mailing list to `'. Send subscribe/unsubscribe requests to `'.
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