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To: Jason
To: Rogers <gasdive@sy*.di*.oz*.au*>
Subject: Re: portholes v's deco
From: John HC <jhc@wo*.st*.co*>
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 1994 08:14:24 +0001 (EST)
On Sat, 19 Nov 1994, Jason Rogers wrote:

> Just had a thought while cleaning my mail spool,
> everyone has an opinion on portholes and the stealing/salvaging/preserving
> thereof, but not nearly so many people want to post about decompression!
> Does this say something significant about techdivers?

Well, I haven't noticed techdivers talking about breathing either, and 
that's something else they all do.<g>

But, what with portholes in the subject header, I have a request for the 
techdiver community:

A friend of mine is building a submarine out of a very large propane 
tank. If any of you would be willing to recycle a porthole or two, the 
donation to the submarine-construction effort would be very much 
appreciated. You can see the submarine in a driveway in Laconia, NH. It 
looks great except for the lack of portholes.

John H-C

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