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Date: Wed, 7 Oct 1998 12:20:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: Kevin Connell <kevin@nw*.co*>
To: Joseph Dituri <dive4wrk@pi*.co*>
cc: Jeff Bentley <jeffbentley@mi*.co*>,
     Jess Armantrout ,
     Tom Mount , Bill Mee ,
     Rebreather mail list , cavers@ca*.co*,
     techdiver , "\"Dan Volker\"" ,
     "\"Richard Pyle\"" ,
Subject: Re: Niagra Falls ..WKKP: Love, Hate, CCRs and the USDCT
If these people are publicly representing cave divers and/or technical
divers (which they sure seem to be doing) then it's not just their lives,
it's our diving privileges.  

Why exactly can't they learn how to cave dive and become a team somewhere
else where they won't be so likely to kill themselves?

Kevin Connell <kevin@nw*.co*>

Northwest Labor Systems

On Wed, 7 Oct 1998, Joseph Dituri wrote:

> It's their life.  You can no sooner live theit life as you can dive to
> 2000feet.  Tell them they are doing it wrong.  ONCE.  Then leave it
> alone.
> Regards
> Jeff Bentley wrote:
> > Joe,
> > What would you yell at the guys getting into their barrels
> > before they make their run at Niagra Falls?

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