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Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 09:24:08 -0700 (PDT)
To: Michael Doelle <MichaelDoelle@co*.co*>
From: Kevin <Kevin@So*.co*>
Subject: Shut manifolds
Cc: <>
>>Isolator manifold shut down ?? Gee, a big freaking red light goes off in
>>the corner of my eye if my SPG's don't read the same. <<

>Why would you need 2 SPGs to detect this problem. How many reasons can
>there be for an SPG that keeps registering FULL for a long time?

Ummm, stuck needle, ummmm closed manifold. One SPG for each first stage is
how I dive. Catastrophic gas loss and I gotta shut down, and of course this
would happen just at my turn point per Murphy's Law, at least I have a SPG
that will help me manage myself out of this pickle. One nice little guage to
look at as I tell myself, concentrate, breath, try to sort the problem out
logically, extract myself, ascent, deep stops, thank god that I planned for
this contingency, get your deco gases ready, relax and finish the dive plan.
Oh, well if my dive bud is around she may be able to help, but when I get
wet I and only I am responsible for ME.

Above and beyond all this though, wouldn't the diver with the shut manifold
NOTICE that he was going through his bottom gas twice as quickly as planned
?? Or when he sucked real hard on the bottom one spg needle sure dipped a
little more than was the norm, while the other did not budge. And above and
beyond all this why didn't he check the iso valve before jumping off the
boat as yelled " Tally - Ho, I'm a tech diver now. " 

Another stupid stroke dies, and we all become one step closer to having our
brand of diving either heavily regulated and/or outlawed by the govenment.
In California, when I teach I am prohibited from using nitrox. I teach a
deep specialty and I gotta be on air ?? I gotta do a total of twelve or
eighteen ascents in a day during open water training and I am required to
use air instead of 50/50 because the govenment feels its safer. BULLSHIT.

One day a senator's son is gonna stroke out or a celebrity's daughter is
gonna breathe salt water and then the government will step in, and there
will be very little we can do about it.

What really scares the HELL out of me is that I could have been the diver
next to this guy on that wreck and it could have been me that he yanked to
reg out of in his scared, confused, panicked state. 


" You'll never miss the water,
until the well runs dry . . .. "

as sung by Bob Marley 

                                                    o           o  
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                                         o         o
 _____              o         o  
(_/\_)        o   o  o   
 =( )=   oo

Kevin Rottner

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