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Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 06:10:47 -0400
From: "Katherine V. Irvine" <kirvine@sa*.ne*>
Organization: DIR
To: john@ro*.co*.uk*
CC: techdiver <>, cavers@ca*.co*
Subject: re inspriation death
John, thanks for the report. Obviously you are not part of the "Code
OF Silence" on the topic or electronic rebreathers. Obviously you know
better than to go for the usual "diver error" lie that gets used as an
excuse every time. The error is using an electronic rb or listening to
people who have no clue when betting your life, and I can think of one
very annoying such person here in the States to whom reality is but a
vague notion to be delt with later. My bet is he will "tripple" anything
you are seeing with the Inspiration.

  The death rate speaks for itself. However, my opinion , and my opinion
menas a lot since I do use rebreathers more successfully than anyone in
history, is that the problems we are seeing with these things are not
idiosyncratic to any one brand - they are all subject to the laws of
physics and the realities of diving: in other words, they don't work,
meaning that even when they do work they do not, and when they do not,
the kill you. No warning, just dead. 

  This stuff needs to slow down now. I do not know about the UK, but in
the US the wannabeees who are clammoring to get on the ccr train are
those who could not dive in a swimming pool with doubles, or other
heroes who desperately want to level the palying field with those of us
who have done what it takes to be the best. It ain't happening. They
will all end up dead.

  Keep bringing out the truth on this stuff and maybe we can save some
lives - not the idiots' here, but real people like your friends there in
the UK. What we have here are dumpster diving vagrants and scumbags with
long track recods of failure and stupidy who are on the bandwagon.
Luckily, most of these mutants can't afford a scuba tank, but then we do
have some real tough guy wannabees out there who have made some money
and now want to prove something by jumping into the ring wiht th3e Big
Boys. All they will do is prove me right  while dying in a fear choked
cluster---, which a few of them have earned for aht they have done to us
and others, and for the massive disservice they are doing the sport, and
for the disgrace they are making of our hard work.

  We will see a lot more of this, John, until Rule Numbers One and Two
get adhered to by more people out there. You guys all have to learn to
call a liar a liar, and I will do it for all of you  until you develop
the balls to do it yourselves. I have good air cover as many of you have
already discovered.

  Electrocic RB's are death traps - do not belong in caves or wrecks,
and do not belong in tech or rec diving, and should not be pushed and
peddled to the masses, or used by the unsuspecting, or allowed in the
hands of liars and scumbags who will let you get killed and call it your
fault, or blame it on your diabetes.

  Time to look at the track records and see who is right.

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