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Date: Sun, 26 Jul 1998 20:10:54 +1000
To: techdive@ea*.ne*
From: bdi <bdi@wh*.ne*>
Subject: Re: Brett Gilliam and George Irvine
At 11:57 AM 25/07/1998 -0700, John Walker wrote:
>WOW Billy, you've done a fine job as a subserviant to George. You
>almost got it down pat.. If you could get rid of the acsent and use a 
>females name we would think it was George himself throwing out more

John, you haven't yet realised that thinking people 
don't need George to point out the mass incompetence 
shown at the teaching levels of technical diving. Ten 
Instructors from one agency killed themselves in the 
last year.

The instructors from another agency presided over and 
contributed to another four training deaths. Neither
agency has done ANYTHING about changing the standards
to avoid these situations. And the result is it is 
statistically safer not to dive with a technical 
instructor. And all you can say is "no problem, what's
all the fuss?"

> Its a shame that you've fallen into this mode of verbal defense and
>believe its the best way to get attention. If you feel that all of these
>unfortunate deaths have ruined your technical diver name than drop the

John, unlike you, I don't give a toss about 'names'. You
came on here, remember, and DEMANDED to know everyone's
instructor status. You did a classic Foghorn Leghorn act.
And your big problem is the fact that you STILL haven't 
noticed that while you are defending the current situation 
the agencies with 'fuck you jack' policies are screwing 
YOUR activity too. You're just part of the whitewash crew.

Once more for Slow Johnny: Ten instructors from one agency 
killed themselves in the last twelve months - making errors
of judgement they are supposed to teach others to avoid. 
Two more pre-arranged their students' deaths. These people 
didn't have the judgement required to teach judgement. How
low are the agencies' standards?

>What does it matter as to how technical diving is perseved to you
>anyhow. Your a rebel with a C-Card allready. By the way the struggle
>have been going on much, much longer than 3 years.

All the more reason not to fuck it up now.

> You obviously recieved your technical diver status from one of these
>agencies and if I may recall that was TDI themselves. 

You have no idea how I'm certified, or to what level. This is 
serious business Johnny, not a fucking guessing game.

And yet you insist
>on being a rebel along with George by not helping the industry but by
>slamming it, discrediting all standards that have been thought out many
>times before, 

Johnny, pointing out the fact that there is a major flaw in
the way the technical agencies are operating does not make 
one a rebel. TEN dead instructors and you say it's all right. 
The tech agencies aren't changing their standards to solve 
the problems. You say it's all right. In fact, when the WPB 
tragedy happened, you popped up on here and said not to blame 
the instructor, the students knew they could be killed, they'd
signed the waiver. John, YOU are the problem.

>evolving into what we have today without any forsite into
>anything other than your pore little status as George's chior boy here
>on techdiver. 

You are geographically challenged here, son.

> A while back you were telling me that IANTD's training has to many
>different level before you get the big one(technical diver rating)was
>all about money and yet your are crying that their to many accidents.

I am no longer surprised by your inability to follow what
I was saying. Here it is again, simplified for the slow ones:
The technical agencies are more concerned with money than 
standards. This is why we see low instructor standards, the 
gates thrown wide to people who shouldn't be doing this kind 
of diving, and instead of a few properly taught courses, we 
get the IANTD micro-step soak. You say this is OK. I say it's 
not. Got it yet?

>Well Billy maybe thats because people are not getting the education and
>experience they should before adventuring into extended range diving.

Once more for the dummies: If they haven't got the experience, 
the agencies are at fault for letting them through to do those
dives. If they haven't got the education, the agencies are at
fault for not giving it to them. Real EDUCATION, that is.
Got it yet?

>Trust me that its not about the money.

Johnny, I don't trust you. You're not bright enough to be a
technical instructor and you're a stooge and an apologist 
for the perpetrators of the string of incidents which is
wrecking technical diving for all of us. You're as much the 
problem as they are.

>To many know it alls like
>yourself feel trainings not worth paying much for.  John

I paid a lot for my technical education. It was rigorous,
devoid of self-centred strokes like you, and worth every cent.

rgrds          billyw

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