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From: "Richard Pyle" <deepreef@bi*.bi*.ha*.or*>
To: <kirvine@sa*.ne*>, "William M. Smithers" <will@tr*.co*>
Cc: "Mike Zimmerman" <zimmmt@au*.al*.co*>, <>,
Subject: RE: PA Quarry Near Drowning - Deep Air the culprit???
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 20:38:49 -1000
Although I do confess to owning a little piece of plastic with the word
"nitrox" on it, which will allow me to make non-air dives under the auspices
of the University of Hawaii, and I do have a reasonably good grasp of
Haldane's decompression model; I am not the author of the quoted passage
below, which you have apparently attributed to me.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Katherine V. Irvine [mailto:kirvine@sa*.ne*]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 1998 7:03 PM
> To: William M. Smithers
> Cc: Mike Zimmerman;; cavers@ca*.co*
> Subject: Re: PA Quarry Near Drowning - Deep Air the culprit???
> Will, did Richie really say this?
> Richie Pyle wrote:
> >
> > > I have my nitrox card and a thorough understanding of Haldanean
> > > gas theory behind the tables.

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