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Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 19:53:19 +1000
To: indepth@il*.co*.au*
From: billyw <bdi@wh*.ne*>
Subject: Re: In Depth - Re: Alternative mounting for canister light ?
Cc: Phi Le <PLe@Se*.co*>,
At 08:07 AM 9/07/1998 -0400, Jeff Bentley wrote:
>You can't really pick and choose pieces of the "doing it right rig" and
>expect to have a package that works well.
>Stages are clipped to your left hip and left chest ring. The light goes
>on your right side on the waist belt.
>Car example:
>You can prefer to turn the steering wheel with your feet and push the pedals
>with your hands. To come to the list and ask how to best watch the road
>with your asshole is kinda silly..

Jeff, I have watched these lists for years and never have
I seen an analogy so perfectly appropriate. Bravo. That one
goes down for posterity.

rgrds  billyw
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