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From: <marguin@ii*.ii*.co*>
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1998 22:22:10 -0400 (EDT)
To: billyw <bdi@wh*.ne*>
Subject: Re: Wings
well...just to clarify for the stupid fucks ... such as yourself ... i 
have dove with chris and have met other Wahoo captains and everyone of 
them has had an amazing amount of information that I have found extremely 
useful.  So if you DON'T have anything useful... stop twisting my fucking 
words..i don't think I need some asshole like you helping me talk..i have 
done it fine on my own for years now.  I would continue this reply but I 
would rather talk/write to someone who dives in the NE..not just FLA.  
have fun pussy!!!!

On Wed, 3 Jun 1998, billyw wrote:

> At 11:50 AM 2/06/1998 -0400, cfriel@GC*.CO* wrote:
> >
> >
> >Obviously you have a clue? How would you guess that Matt 
> >doesn't know me or the crew...
> Because he wrote "and *IF* chris is any indication of the rest 
> of the Wahoo crew..." which indicates he doesn't know for sure
> if you are.
> And because the laws of probability argue against the likelihood
> of there being enough terminally rude and congenitally stupid
> little snotsuckers like you to crew a boat.
> rgrds   billyw
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