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Date: Sat, 14 Mar 1998 12:23:16 -0500
To: mrlungs@ak*.ne*
From: "J.T. Barker" <captjt@mi*.co*>
Subject: re.dive contest Worth Reading
Cc:, dlv@ga*.ne*, CAPTZEROOO@ao*.co*
Capt. J or is it repiratory therpist Jeff or deck hand padi divemaster?You
have exposed yourself.Go get some water its gonna get hot.
First which is your real job,I bet its not Capt. Only a fool jumps out all
at once like you did.This would make you Capt. of a ship of fools.

                              >2 - 5 Miles.... bawhahahahah Weenie trip!!!
If your going to do it, do it
>over more than a DAY or 2 days... Put some real planing into it. Put the
>gonads out on the the table and go for it.  Tech diving deals with more
>than just current, it also involves planning. Sounds like going for a day
>trip only entails a few of the home brewed tanks and a few sandwiches...  

           Planning startes with gear, in a post sent by you june 19 97 you
have addmited to Ted Green and I quote "don't need a dry suit,I am not the
one trying to do ice ,cold water diving..1/4 works fine down here!!Deep
long techdives on a wreck requires DRYSUITS, deep dives they are a must
just ask 3 dead WPB divers YOU HAVE BEEN EXPOSED YOU ARE A STROKE!were you
capt. on that trip?
The Wkpp had trouble getting a boat to go look for these poor souls,where
was your boat?(do you even own one)where were you hiding,the lawsuits scare
you!Poor excuse for a capt. and a friend of the WKPP
Capt. Leo was the only true Capt at that time down there all egos should
have been put aside the recovery was the important thing!You now have been
EXPOSED as a WEAK CAPT. and a STROKE If I were down there 2 boats would
have went out

                                                          >hmmmmm  When
were the words expert brought into this... Damn show me an

Expert look in the mirror you still won't see one!

>>It seems the boats only like to take locals(this could explain
>>the high number of accidents down there) or you most know someone to get
>>you on the boat.

>Not true, you just haven't asked the right questions or the right ppl. You
>have to rember that not every captain wants to take just any dick or
>hairy.. Some are careful at the type of diver that they will take..  Look
>at it from a captains point of view:  "Diver Dick drives up with a truck
>load of tech gear, certifications, so on and so forth. Does this make Dick
>a safe tech diver, a kamikaze (SP) tech diver, or an Open water wanna be
>tech diver?"  You have to realize that these captains everyday have ppl
>come to them saying "I'm A Tech Diver, I want to go to 300', will you take
>me??" Hell no is the reply for the fact of I don't know you from dick!!
>Come on, even the local's have found out that even trusting a supposed
>"TECH Diver" can cause you face (even though this captain didn't cover his
>ass that well)  Hell I wouldn't take you the first time, the second time or
>even the 10th time out to 300' just for the fact that I would want to see
>more of your thought process.  But hey, I am one of them captains that
>don't take ever dick or hairy :)

Do I ask the rite ppl like you or wait ten trips or do I act like a student
pay more money and go rite away.Make up your mind wishy washy captains
cause accidents.Heres the rule dickhead,there are two kinds of Captains
those that have had an accident and those that are about to.Since you
didn't cover your ass
that well tell us what you did wrong remember the family,friends,and lawyers
are listening.You are EXPOSED YOU are a STROKE

It is a good thing you don't dive north we don't need weak Captains up here
or stroke divers.You are an expert in this catergory!
Don't use ppl like Mel Fisher to defend you!You disgrace them!
I will not address you again,you are a waste of my time and have been
      WELL EXPOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!

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