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From: GarlooEnt <GarlooEnt@ao*.co*>
Date: Fri, 6 Mar 1998 06:36:28 EST
To: wwittman@we*.co*
Cc: Wahoojan@ao*.co*, Wahoo2001@ao*.co*, CAPTZEROOO@ao*.co*,, wreckdiver@wr*.co*
Subject: Re: Fw: Divers Supply, IANTD, Tom Mount and tragic technical diving
i couldn't agree with that statement more. the point is that the training
agency has the responsibility of determining the teaching quality at the time
of the instructor certification. if they fail there then there is a flaw in
there system & that needs to be addressed. 
i have felt for quite some time that the move to push people through programs
just to get the next cert without gaining experience at the level they achieve
for a "few "dives has created some problems. what seems to happen many time is
that the cert buff gets enough certifications to then step up into an
instructor or tech program.


In a message dated 98-03-05 10:53:43 EST, you write:

<< i agree with you, Hank...
 but i also think that teaching is a skill and a calling in and of itself.
 just as there are instructors who have not nearly enough experience to
 teach effectively...there are also "good" divers who've been at it for 20+
 years but who haven't CHANGED or learned much for the last 10.
 a good instructor, at any level, is up on all the latest techniques and is
 constantly learning and adapting and passing that on to his students.
 not every experienced diver who can take care of himSELF makes for an
 effective instructor.
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 Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 10:55:56 -0500
 To: GarlooEnt <GarlooEnt@ao*.co*>
 From: wwittman@we*.co* (w wittman)
 Subject: Re: Fw: Divers Supply, IANTD, Tom Mount  and tragic technical diving
 Cc:, wreckdiver@wr*.co*
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