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From: RLatulip <RLatulip@ao*.co*>
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 14:50:21 EST
To: underh2o@ex*.co*
Cc: wwm@sa*.ne* (Bill Mee),, cavers@ww*.ge*.co*,
Subject: Re: BAD NEWS: Fallout from the WPB tragedy
Organization: AOL (
In a message dated 98-01-22 23:48:17 EST, you write:

<< While I agree with many (most) of his safety concepts, anyone
 who would TRY to publicize diving accidents to the general
 public and TRY TO INVOKE LITIGATION definately earns
 the "Farm-Animal-Stupid" badge.  Slam and preach all you want
 if you have divers listening, but when you speak to the general
 public, you have to realize that most people find the simple
 idea of a 20' scuba dive to be "daring", so if you publicize
 the accidents that happen deep diving, you will of course 
 bring about these types of problems.
 Learn a lesson, Irvine you idiot!
 Tim Olson

Give me a break, wern't we all general public before we were divers or did you
come out wearing your tank.

Many of that general public are future divers, and they should have an
understanding of where some instructor might lead them for a few $$$

Ray LaTulippe
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