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From: "David Shimell (shimell)" <shimell@se*.co*>
To: "G. Irvine" <gmirvine@sa*.ne*>
Cc: Dennis JR Harding <dennish@wp*.co*.za*>,
     "'Techdiver List'"
Subject: Abyss Algorithm (was RE: THE FACTS: TDI Training Death, 16 Apr il
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 97 11:16:00 GMT

>What you need to do is get our your copy of Deepair magazine and turn
>to the article about me, and go to the post about how to operate Chris
>Parrot's deco program.

I remember your post but not which algorithm you used (100, 120 or 150).   
 Do you recall?

David Shimell
Project Manager, Sequent Computer Systems Ltd, Weybridge, UK
Email: shimell@se*.co*
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