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From: Dennis JR Harding <dennish@wp*.co*.za*>
To: "'Techdiver List'" <>
Subject: FW: The old UWATEC bottom timers.
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 15:19:51 +0200

-----Original Message-----
From:	Harding, Dennis JR 
Sent:	17 November 1997 14:39
To:	'William M. Smithers'; Atle Aamodt
Cc:	techdiver mail-list; Rebreather mailing list
Subject:	RE: The old UWATEC bottom timers.

Yes they do indeed.  By dropping the decimal point, readings continue past 100m
Would not mind laying my hands on some myself.

Dennis Harding
South Africa

-----Original Message-----
From:	William M. Smithers [SMTP:will@tr*.co*]
Sent:	17 November 1997 02:25
To:	Atle Aamodt
Cc:	techdiver mail-list; Rebreather mailing list
Subject:	The old UWATEC bottom timers.

I've managed to track down a cache of several of the
old UWATEC bottom timers (new, but dusty and in metric) - the 
ones that hold 4 dives and are good for going deep - at least my 
Imperial one does.  Does anyone know if the metric ones will read 
deep as well?  Rolling over back to "1" is OK at 100m, as long 
as they still continue to function.

Or does it turn off the decimal point and start
showing round meters?

On a related note, I can't seem to find oil-filled SPG's
anywhere.  Anyone know who still makes them?


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