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From: "Ted Green" <scuba@md*.co*>
To: "" <>,
     Jim Cobb
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 20:54:15 +0000
      Sorry it took so long to reply to your last post. I was busy 
diving the St. Augustine. It's 250 feet deep. Bottom mix was 
15/40/45. Deco was on EAN 34, and EAN 70. END was 128 feet. You 
do understand what all this means, or didn't it get covered in your 
correspondence school technical diving class?
     In your last post, you said you had taken three courses of which 
basic nitrox was the only technical one. Let me ask you several 
questions: Have you ever dove Trimix? Have you ever been below 100 
feet? Where the hell do you get off criticizing me? You don't know 
me. I probably have more Trimix dives this summer than you been below 
100 feet! It's a rare day when I am below 100 feet without Helium. 
There is nothing more worthless than a stroke like you who watches 
George's video, reads a few books, practises the buzz words in front 
of a mirror, kisses George's ass with a few suck up Techdiver posts, 
and then wants to tell me I'm doing it wrong because I am a TDI 
instructor! Look key board stroke, why don't you go to Florida, take 
George's course and shut up until you have done what you are trying 
to talking about!
      BTW, I hear your such a rookie that you fell for the sock plant on 
the Monroe. What's next? You going to tell us about a copy of Windows 95 
that you found on the wreck?

> From:          Jim Cobb <cobber@mi*.co*>

> TDI is the best, huh? Well answer me a few questions. How can a diver be 
> interested in an agency like TDI when it has:
> 1) a fat slob director
> 2) a deep air diving BOD
> 3) killed one of their promoters by deep air diving in the Red Sea
> Why I bet that if you dared to stop teaching deep air the Great Round One 
> would have you drummed out so fast it would make your head spin.
> BTW, the WKPP is starting up it's own agency. I was going to suggest that 
> you join up with them, but I'm afraid that they will require that you 
> actually dive trimix if you want to teach it...
>    Jim
> On 9/4/97 6:58 PM Ted Green wrote:
> >       Jim,
> >         In my opinion, TDI offers the best approach of the four 
> >technical training agencies in the U.S.. I am not going to say they 
> >are perfect, just better than the rest. If you don't agree, tell me 
> >which one is better and why (saying they are all bad doesn't answer 
> >the question ).
> >         BTW, which technical agency cards do you hold? Did you take 
> >your classes at Sears & Roebuck or Montgomery ward. In your own 
> >opinion, you couldn't be much of a diver since you learned to dive 
> >from one of those no good dive instroketors who was swapping c-cards 
> >for cash. Actually, you are probably one of those cyber divers who 
> >posts a lot and seldom gets wet.
> >
> >             Ted
Ted Green (owner)                
Tidewater Aquatics (Dive Store)  
Salisbury Maryland USA
TDI IT #029
SSI MI #178

The world contains but three types of people:
            1. Those who make things happen.
            2. Those who watch things happen.
            3. Those who wonder what happened.
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