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From: <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 1997 18:11:05 -0800
Subject: Re: Fwd: Fwd: Joe
 John, I normally do not care either, other than for my own 
personal amusement. However, JJ is off limits - you can say 
whatever you want about me, since I take full responsiblity 
for myself, and stand by to pull the track record for 
scrutiny at any time, and will stand by and up to all my 
actions, do and always have, but will not sit back with my 
dick in my hand, like everybody else on this team does, when 
one of our best friends gets lied about.

 The fact is that neither you nor the so called bullshit 
"community" can have it both ways: EITHER I AM RIGHT IN 
SELF. WHICH IS IT???????????????????????????????????????

 Nevermind, that is my call. - G

<JHEIMANN@us*.or*.co*> wrote:
>I've been getting calls and emails from Jim and Ken about 
Joe King.  Although 
>I like talking to these guys, I barely have time to keep up 
with what 
>Microsoft and Informix are doing, much less who is 
badmouthing whom in the 
>cave community.  I still have a lot of friends on WKPP, and 
wish you guys 
>nothing but the best, but since I don't live in Florida now 
I don't have much 
>interest in the local politics.  If it helps you sleep at 
night, go ahead and 
>say that I'm Joe King.  I unsubscribed from all the dive 
lists a long time 
>ago, so I don't really care who says what any more. 
>John H. Heimann				Sr. Product 
>Oracle Corporation			Security Products 
>500 Oracle Pkwy, Box 659410		415-506-9750 (phone) 
>Redwood Shores, CA 94065		415-506-7226 (fax) 
>Date: 19 Mar 97 03:57:52
>From:"Ken Sallot <KEN@co*.ci*.uf*.ed*>" 
>Subject:Re: Fwd: Joe
>Organization:CIRCA, University of Florida
>X-mailer:Pegasus Mail v3.22
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type:text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
>Yes, I know George thinks that. He called me and asked me 
to ask you 
>if you were Joe King, but Tuesdays I teach so was too busy 
doing that 
>to give you a call. He's convinced that it's someone 
originally from 
>up north who knows about computers and he thinks it might 
also be a 
>dive instructor but he's not convinced on that point.
>To be honest I just wish whoever was Joe King would step up 
and admit 
>it because it's causing all of us a bunch of grief.
>> Date sent:      18 Mar 97 18:46:18 -0800
>> From:           "JHEIMANN.US.ORACLE.COM" 
>> To:             kens@uf*.ed*
>> Subject:        Fwd: Joe
>> --=_ORCL_33155078_0_11919703181948420
>> Content-Transfer-Encoding:7bit
>> Content-Type:text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
>> Now George thinks that *I* might be Joe King.  I told Jim 
that I just wish I 
>> had time to be joe-king around, but I don't.  I think 
maybe it's Joe McGrath. 
>> John 
>> John H. Heimann             Sr. Product Manager 
>> Oracle Corporation          Security Products 
>> 500 Oracle Pkwy, Box 659410     415-506-9750 (phone) 
>> Redwood Shores, CA 94065        415-506-7226 (fax) 
>> --=_ORCL_33155078_0_11919703181948420
>> Content-Type:message/rfc822
>> Date: 18 Mar 97 13:31:05
>> From:"Jim Wei <jwei@ci*.uf*.ed*>" <jwei@ci*.uf*.ed*>
>> To:jheimann@us*.or*.co*,(John,Heimann)
>> Subject:Joe
>> X-Mailer:ELM [version 2.4 PL24]
>> Content-Type:text
>> MIME-Version: 1.0
>> Content-Transfer-Encoding:7bit
>> Content-Type:text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
>> Hi John.  George called me and ask me if you're Joe King. 
 Who ever Joe 
>> King is, he's still pissed at him :)  Give me a call.  
>> -- 
>> /********************************/
>> /*   Jim Wei                    */
>> /*   jwei@ci*.uf*.ed*           */
>> /*   Dept. of Computer Science  */
>> /*   University of Florida      */
>> /********************************/
>> --=_ORCL_33155078_0_11919703181948420--
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