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From: <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Date: Sat, 8 Mar 1997 05:29:35 -0800
Subject: Re: Person PPO2 Limits
To: Kevin Connell <kevin@nw*.co*>,
  No such thing - it varies from day to day on the same diver. The best bet is
to use levels below which there have been few if any known incidents, and then
decrease that with time according to a formula, and with breaks to low ox gas
on a shcedule - too complicated for this forum, as too many morons will want to
argue that. 

  To make it real simple, the commercial diving schedules have this all figured
out - see them.

  For the pruposes of most of the weenie diving done by people on this list,
especially the New England wreck divers ( who are just bounce diving), using no
more than 1.4 bottom and 1.6 deco should work.

   Those who jack up the oxygen are trying to beat deco - I would suggest a set
of running shoes instead, as bends don't kill you like a seizure will. The
difference in deco for an oxygen adjustment that would keep you way out of
trouble is minimal - I use 1.0-1.2 and 1.4 deco unless out of the water - being
immersed has a totally diffeernt effect on the chances of toxing.

    See Phsyiology and Medicine of Diving, and follow up the footnotes on
Hamilton Research's stuff. Pay close attention to anything from  David Elliot,
or his crew from European Diving Union of Shell Oil , U.K. - they have the
experience to draw from, that is what I do. most of the big compainies keep his
stuff sevret, and I do not let our schedules out either, even though I know
that since nobody thinks I know what I am talking about, they won't believe it
anyway. Good luck

On Fri, 07 Mar 1997, Kevin Connell <kevin@nw*.co*> wrote:
>Just out of curiosity, what do people say about personal PPO2 limits for
>various diving conditions including:
><Extended Range (<170ft) Nitrox/Air Dives>:
>1) Bottom Mix
>2) Deco Mix
><Trimix Dives>:
>1) Travel Mix
>2) Bottom Mix
>3) Deco Mix
>(Actually, I'm not a trimix diver yet, but I'm assuming these are the
>logical choices for mixes)
>I am aware of the various training agency limits, but I'm wondering if
>people vary from these limits, say with a median of 1.5, and if so, for
>what factors?  Personal physiology, simple conservatism, personal
>experience, work load, etc?
>Thanks in advance, and please don't flame me for asking... I'm just trying
>to increase my knowledge.
>Kevin Connell <kevin@nw*.co*>
>"There was a time when religion ruled the world.
> It is known as the Dark Ages." 
>                      - Ruth Hurmence Green 
>PGP Public Key:  finger -m  kevin@nw*.co*
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