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From: <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 1997 09:30:17 -0800
Subject: Re: Thanks, where do I send my Tuition check?
To: gmiiii@in*.co*,
     "Cost effective home improvement"
Cc: cavers@ge*.co*,
 I just looked again at the "Posterboy" - this stroke has his light on his 
helmet - only a blithering idiot would do this, and only the most
instructor would teach this - how is this stroke supposed to signal? You idiot 
need to wake up. I guess he figures since he is using the wrong light head 
anyway, why bother? Let me tell  all of you cave dive instructors out there- if 
you are responsibe for this, you need to have your license revoked, and every 
time I see his I am going to complain to the Training Director. You guys suck, 
plain and simple, 99.44% of you. This needs to stop, and any one of you morons 
who wants to debate me on this, step up and give it  try. Usually, the Moputh
right there, as he is the biggst proponent of the worst strokery, so he can get 
the ball rolling, as Chief of the Strokes. - G  

On Sat, 15 Feb 1997, gmiiii@in*.co* wrote:
>    Martha, Robert brought me a copy of the mag, and I am looking at the cover 
>right now - this is a posterboy for strokes are us. Anybody this stupid should 
>not be cave diving. This is typical of central Florida morons, the ones who
>fighting with me constantly, but it serves to point out everything I have been 
>  Points of Strokery
>1 - helmet - somebody tell me what this is all about 
>2 - wrong drysuit - neopreme - buoyancy changes with depth - real stupid since 
>   price for a real suit is almost the same
>3- the reason he can not afford a real drysuit is on his wrist - a $700  
>   bracelet
>4- the wrong kind of reel 
>5 - Odin second stage reg - an upstream valve reg requiring special hose ends, 
>relief valve, and one that con not be cleaned out underwater, and gives water 
>when scootering, but then this joker will not be doing any scootering with
>5 - crap everywhere hanging off of the front - who is this joker's instrucotor?
>6 - little bungies and jiglies, and do-dads everywhere - the sign of a stroke
>7 - turn the page for the real horror, after viewing the moronic spray of
>   everywhere
>8 - butt mounted  light - notice the cord, and what I have been saying about   
> that. Look at the way this piece of shit is attached to the tanks - what     
>kind of blithering idiot would dive like this?
>9 - notice that this is the ulitmate stroke - INDEPENDENTS - 
>10 - and see the slobbery of the hoses from the other angle, but picuture is 
>amaturish to see what the rest of the rig has - my kids take better underwater 
>pictures that this
>  THE PROBLEM - we are attempting to learn a serious technical sport from 
>Cave divng instruction used to be by appointment omly, and only the most 
>experienced guys taught it. Much of the fine points were actually taught by 
>non-instructors, like Bill Gavin, Bill Main, Lamar English and others, who 
>dive with those who asked, like me.
>  I remmber the TD, Tom Mouth, and the CDS TD, Lamar Hires, getting all bent 
>of shape with Lamar English for taking me to the end of the upstream Cortyard 
>Madison while I was taking my cave course, since in Mount's case he has still 
>never been there, and Lamar thought this was a big dive - it is a big joke.
>  The reason diving is so hard for people who get the standard instruction is 
>outlined in graphic detail in Dive Training magazine, along with the Stroke of 
>the Month on the cover to prove it. 
>  The next time you have a question about what the cave community thinks ,
>at this mag, and just say "no" to these idiots. I am now upping my number to 
>- 99% of the dive insructors out there are cluesless morons, fat slobs, 
>pontificating know-it-alls, gear-selling maggots, goobers, dumb asses, 
>mongoloids, mutants, and strokes. For so-called Technical training, I am
>my estimate of incompetence to 99.44/100%, like in the Ivory Snow adv, since 
>what you all are getting from thes bozos is a huge snow job, and The Mouth's 
>attempts to defend the indefensible is proof that there is a stroke in the 
>woodpile. I do not see anybody but Tony ( who himself needs to take a cave 
>diving course), and the Mouth ( who has created an army of strokes) who are 
>trying to argue this point with me.  
>   A proper rig is safer - argue that with me,m and be prepared to show your 
>book first - we don't take plastic.
>  George Irvine
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