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Subject: Re: Posidon 1st Stage Purge Mechanism
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 97 21:56:13 -0500
From: Jim Cobb <cobber@mi*.co*>
To: "Tech Diver" <>, <tleemay@ix*.ne*.co*>
This is the weirdest post I've ever seen on techdiver. Are you sure 
you're not delusional? Do you know that you have just told a person who 
lives, eats and breaths posidon that he does not know what he's talking 
about? A man who's very life depends on this equipment for dives you 
cannot even dream about? What kind of grapefruit are you? Are you one of 
those left-coast, granola eating, burkenstock wearing, live-for-ever 
freaks? I fuckin thought so.

First of all I would like to thank Dan Terrin of Posidon USA for 
answering me personally with the information I was seeking.  The spring 
can be replaced with a different value, but it does void all warranty 
and the Posidon dealers are not supoposed to do it. All the rest of you 
who reponded were quite correct with the approx 247 psi / 7 bar 
notation. Even the part number designations helped out.

>It goes off at 5000 psi so your tank won't blow up. 

To quote Jammer... "Huh?"

What good is a pressure purge valve prior to the 2nd stage to prevent a 
second stage free-flow with 5k gate value?  With the valve, any loss of 
intermediate pressure control at the first stage would be released at 
the the purge valve to keep the HP non-regulated source from delivering 
directly to the 2nd.  If the release point was 5K "so (my) tank won't 
blow up", how would the device prevent the HP non-regulated delivery 
directly to the 2nd with, say, only 1.2K in the tank? Not that Posidons 
regularly do this of course ( I am aware of the HP seat problems 

Initially I was told by a prominant SCUBA hardware dealer from the UK 
(Manchester Systems) that the spring was designed to finalize gate 
release at approximately 2K psi, AND my local Posidon dealer (West 
Coast Diver's Supply) stated to me they could make the mod when I 
inquired them on the issue.  This didn't sound quite correct so I asked 
the someone else's opinion. In this case it was the technial community 
on the newsgroup group / mailing lists. 

BTW, I know damned good & well what my secondary hose will handle (FYI, 
it's somewhat stiff since it is RATED to 1.25K PSI manufactured by 
Bendix Marine for salt duty). The Odin is being used as a secondary on 
a short hose.  The hose did not come with the reg set when originally 
purchased from the dealer.  The 2nd stage was fitted after the fact, as 
was the Odin's pressure purge valve/sleeve. The release gate value of 
the purge valve/spring is to be 248 psi (+/- 2 psi).  At this point 
after being enlightened by Mr. Terrin, I will probably change the hose 
back to the original Posidon part (it came in the box along with the 

My question was to ask if there was a way to adjust this "advised" 
pressure gate release (not the rating) from the mentioned 2K PSI.  If 
the shop and delaer was feeding me a line (since I am not privy to the 
repair/service manuals) then I would expect someone to point that out.  
That's what a discussion group on technical diving/gear does, doesn't 
What I don't expect is to be called names for searching out the truth 
if I suspect an anomolity.

But hey, I a much bigger guy than that, I don't need to fire back.  At 
least I have the yarbles to post my name to my writings.
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