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To: "Ken Sallot" <KEN@co*.ci*.uf*.ed*>
Cc: cavers@ge*.co*,, secor@bt*.ib*.co*
Subject: Re: tank shaker for sale
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 1997 11:57:57 -0500
From: "Alan D. Secor" <secor@bt*.ib*.co*>
Just out of curiosity, why did this response get cross posted to techdiver
when the original was only on cavers?  Just trying to keep the S/N ratio down
by suggesting we keep cavers traffic on cavers and techdiver traffic on
techdiver.  (Sure there is material which is applicable to both but sarcasm
appears to be more appropriately left on cavers) ;)  The main complaint is 
that a lot of responses get posted here without copying the original post
from cavers and it gets confusing ( and no I don't want to follow cavers!).

OK, I've got my asbestos suit on so go ahead and flame away!

>The stratification theory holds true. Why just the other day all of 
>the air in my office stratified and I had to get down on the floor 
>just to breathe enough oxygen to keep myself alive.
>> Date sent:      Thu, 23 Jan 97 04:11:38 UT
>> From:           "kurt tesnau" <waclaw2@ms*.co*>
>> To:             billy@bd*.co*.au*, "Miller, Barry" <rat@ne*.co*>
>> Copies to:      cavers@ge*.co*, mkravit@mi*.co*
>> Subject:        RE: tank shaker for sale
>> yo barry,
>> you're still supporting the stratification theory, which i subscribe to.  if 
>> the cylinder remains upended the heavy gases willm accumulate near the neck.

>> what do i do when i get to dive site?  do i have to use the dolphin kick and 
>> continually mix my tank as i dive?  how do i compensate for the molecular 
>> weight difference on my weightbelt  when i breathe the the N2 off when i'm 
>> upside-down? 
>> Subject:    RE: tank shaker for sale
>> You guys do it the REAL hard way. Just fill in order 
>> of molecular weight, heaviest first, then upend the
>> cylinder and drop it. Drives the heavier gasses into 
>> the lighter ones.
>> rgrds     billyw
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Al Secor  secor@bt*.ib*.co* ARS: WA3PWX SSI/PDIC Instructor DCSI5828 PDIC10750

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