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From: "Tidewater Aquatics" <Info@md*.co*>
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 19:23:54 +0000
Subject: Re: Euro Faber 95s

> Date:          Mon, 30 Dec 1996 17:05:00 -0500
> To:            cavers@ge*.co*
> From:          aglas@in*.co* (Andrew Glasbrenner)
> Subject:       Euro Faber 95s 
> Cc:  

> I recently bought a set of Faber 95s from a caver who doesn't dive anymore.
> These tanks are marked as 15L and have US type neck threads on them. Since
> the Hydro is out next month I sent them off through the local shop, only to
> have them returned with no new hydro stamp. Evidently there was recently
> some law passed regarding Euro made tanks that prohibits hydro-testing of
> said tanks. At this point I'm quite upset about the whole deal and need some
> expert advice....should I pick up some Prep H for the screwing I'm about to
> take or is there a workable solution other than buying a compressor and
> filling them myself?
> The pessimist in me thinks that this law is not about protecting divers from
> unsafe tanks, but about letting the US manufacturers stay fat and lazy. I
> wonder who they paid off for this gem.
> Andrew Glasbrenner
> 352 796 7495
> ( I'll be gone for a few days, diving like hell while I can get air still)
> --
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         If the tanks you have are stamped DOT-3AA 2400, they are 
approved for use, refilling and retesting by U.S.  DOT (Department of 
Transportation). They are the same tanks that Scubapro has imported 
and sold for the last 10 years and you should have no problem getting
them tested and refill by a reputable dive shop or testing facility. 
I sell and have these tanks retested all the time.

        If the tanks are NOT stamped DOT-3AA 2400 and instead have a 
pressure rating of 200 bar, they were not appoved by DOT
for use in the USA. These tanks were made for sale and use outside 
the USA. Hydrostatic testing facilities are licenced by the DOT to retest 
only tanks that are approved by DOT.

        When DOT approved these tanks for import in the USA, they 
required Faber to reduce the working pressure from 3000 psi (200 bar) 
to 2400 psi to meet their saftey standards.

        Yes these two tanks are essentially the same, and NO you 
can't get them restamped!

        In short, if the tank says DOT-3AA 2400 find a dive shop that 
knows what they are talking about! If the tank says 200 bar 


Ted Green, President
Tidewater Aquatics (dive store)
Salisbury MD 

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