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From: "Marc Dufour" <emdx@ac*.ne*>
Organization: 3615-CUL
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 01:52:19 -5
Subject: Aquaseal tips
First, the usual sycophantic "Happy new year"!

Now, down to business.

Having to face the prospect of fixing a leak in my drysuit, I got to 
think about the solution.

A York-Beach (ME) dive shop our club regularly goes to sells homemade
ringless drysuit gloves, made from those big chemical- handling
orange rubber gloves fitted with a latex cuff seal. He said that he 
glues the cuff seal to the glove by generously "painting" the glove 
with aquaseal dissolved in ketone.

I was thinking of applying the same treatment to the inside of my
(neoprene - an old Whites Pro - no, if I could afford a new one, I'd
go for it) drysuit. But before doin' so, I just like to have second
or third opinions about mixing ketone & aquaseal together and
spreading the stuff on the inside or outside (whichever is more
appropriate) of the suit. Most importantly, if the substrate so 
treated is stretched, would the "treatment" crack?

The legs have 1mm thick rubber knee-pads that extend down to the 
boots, integrating with them, so I believe it may be a better idea to 
work from inside rather than trying to figure out whatever intricate 
path the water may follow under the kneepad.

Would it be better to use the (much) cheaper "shoe goo" instead of
the Aquaseal? (The guy I bought the suit from swears by shoe-goo,
and I am myself pretty well satisfied with the non-critical repairs
I made with the stuff; but a guy in our club says that the resulting 
joint with that stuff is "too hard").

So, what do you guys-who-fix-gear-all-the-time think of the approach?

(No, I don't trust the dive shops in my area to do a good job. And, 
besides, where would the fun of learning to do it myself be???)

Oh, yes, there is no question about myself breathing from my tank 
while I play around with the ketone+aquaseal mixture...
--------------- Pour la Republique Francaise du Quebec -------------------
           In the French version of "2001: A Space Odyssey", 
                the last word uttered by HAL is "GOD"...
~~ Derniere plongee/last dive: Canal Soulanges (glace/icy) 96.12.31, 5m ~~
 Marc Dufour - [\] ACUC6 31874 - TDI CD-0197 - 

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