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Date: Thu, 7 Nov 1996 10:59:58 -0500 (EST)
From: Roger Herring <abcr@gn*.fd*.ne*>
To: Cost effective home improvement <freeattic@co*.ci*.uf*.ed*>
cc: techdiver <>, Cavers List <cavers@ge*.co*>
Subject: Doing it Right Web page
As a previous post to tech and cavers stated, I'm bringing out a
professional photog to shoot some stills of the WKPP gear configuration
at the NACD Workshop this weekend. 

These shots will be used on a "Doing it Right" Web page being designed
by a guy named Sean.

I've already had a couple of requests for specific shots in addition to
the main setup e.g. how George attaches his Farillion (sp?) straps, stage
bottle setup, etc.

If anybody has any additional requests, let me know before Friday
afternoon. I don't read no stinkin' email on the weekends.

Roger Herring

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