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Date: Fri, 11 Oct 1996 09:19:46 -0600 (MDT)
From: "Christopher M. Parrett" <chris@ab*.co*>
Subject: Re: Cochran Computers
>Oh yes, the other thing I don't like is the size of the nut on the high
>pressure port.  You can't connect it directly to a ScubaPro 1st stage
>because the nut is larger than the cutouts around the HP ports.  It works
>fine with Sherwood 1st's, but you need a Posiden (sp?) elbow to
>connect it to a ScubaPro reg.  The elbow is only 9 bucks, but adds
>another O ring.


I just got three new Nemesis Nitrox IIa units this week.
It appears that they have changed the HP nut size just a tad.
I have had the same problem in the past as well.

I have not had them in the water or hooked up as yet, but we will be diving
Aqua-Negra this weekend and should have plenty of opportunity to see if they
work better than the Nemesis II.

Christopher M. Parrett, President
Abysmal Diving Inc. 6595 Odell Place, Suite G. Boulder CO, 80301 USA

Makers of ABYSS, Advanced Dive Planning Software.

Phone: (303) 530-7248 
Fax:   (303) 530-2808

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