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Mailing List: techdiver

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From: <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 17:21:36 -0700
Subject: Re: good morning!
To: techvid@ne*.co* (Brown, Christopher), cavers@ge*.co*,
 Chris, let's review the problem again:

 1) You can not dive with us because you are an incapable, cigarette-smoking 

 2) You can not include our films in your library because you do such a shitty 

 3) You can not film for us as we wil not pay you, you have no camera, and 
accoring to your "friends" , you are the single works diver they have ever seen.

  You can continue to attack me, but my track record speaks for itself , and 
yours, as a parasite , speaks for itself. Please find somebody else to bother.
My attitudxe towards you, and my total lack of rspect for your frinds, will 
never change.
George M. Irvine III
1400 SE 11 ST Ft Lauderdale, FL 33316
954-493-6655 FAX 6698
Email gmiiii@in*.co*

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