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From: <gmiiii@in*.co*>
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 1996 05:33:23 -0700
To: John Todd <afn48281@af*.or*>, cavers@ge*.co*,
   John T., a little overkill, buddy. The only problem here is that the other 
John, Dr. Zumrick, is either extremely arrogant in thinking he will teach US 
something about a subject neither he nor his friends have any direct knowledge 
of, or there is a second possiblity, which is starting to creep over me like a 
niacin rush: these guys really and truely think they know something, and really 
do not have an understanding of who we are and what we do. 

   After talking to several members of this Wakulla II team, I am embarrassed
say that we do not really have any competition here. This is much like the 
Russian threat of the pre-Reagan days, where we thought they could do what we
with military hardware, only to find out now that they had nothing to match us
really emabarrassing that we were worried about it, and did not just go pull 
back the curtain to see the "real" Wizzard. Those of you who are worried that 
they may get lucky, like the Russians could have gotten lucky, look at what we 
now know about their submarine capability to launch nuclear missiles - no 
contest, just like the USDCT. To get lucky, ther must be something left to get 
lucky with.

   I am also embarrased and a bit sad to finally realize that most of the
, especially the cave-diving community is really not too bright, and we have 
been hammering innocent dummies, not strong people with different opinions, but 
just good folks who did and do not know any better. May be we can help them
community, not the dillatantes) , but who knows.

   Gavin used to say he wished there were some real competition, and he said I 
ruined it by teaming up with Exley, since at least he seemed to be competition, 
and would make up for anything he was lacking ( only a good team, which he 
finally got) with sheer perseverance, like setting the record in downstream 
Chips with no help what so ever, except for Stege Irving who helped carry some 
of his bottles back to the van. Our guys don't even go a mile in Chips - it is 
too scary , and at least represents the achievement of a true competitor and 
player, and as such we like to leave living, since there are none in the flesh.

    Gavin also said he wished everyone had exactly the same access we do, so we 
could go head to head, and had exactly the same access to information . He was 
wrong on this part, as they all have the information, but choose to ignore it, 
like with this scooter nonsense, and they all have access to everything we do, 
through us, but choose not to take it. Now they will get into Wakulla on their 
own terms, with chambers and bells, rebreathers and endless money to buy toys 
and so forth, but it will be no fun, as we know from having been there, that 
without the physical discipline , teamwork, skill and knowledge of the WKPP, 
they will die if they try it, or get nothing done like last time,and we can 
clearly see it coming.

    If thse guys had the ability, or the will, they would be diving the 
world-class power cave in Leon Sinks, where there are endless tunnels to lay 
line in way out deep. Our guys do it every weekend. They do not, and as such 
have never given us a run for our money. Gavin and I used to go in to Cheryl 
with Teknas, scootering past the stages left on the foor as set-ups for other 
divers, lay line, come back, and never see any evidence of these guys getting 
even to where the open tunnels started, and still do. 
   I do not know what to do about these guys, whether we should warn them to 
stay home, ignore them, try to show them something to keep them alive, or what. 
I do not know what to do with the rest of the community who are mired in 
misinformation. Like I said, I am starting to feel badly about this, as it is 
not the contest I thought it was. I am embarrased by them and for them. 

   By the way, I forwarded a message to our list sent to me by Zumrick in which 
he explained how his group was going to discover better battery technology. As 
usual, they do not know what we have, and persist in ignoring one simple fact - 
we do it, nobody else does, we must know someting. I will personlly bet that 
there are 300 people on this list that can name the batteries I am using, and 
there is not one who knows anything better - in fact I bought them from John 
Todd, ask him. - G


George M. Irvine III
1400 SE 11 ST Ft Lauderdale, FL 33316
954-493-6655 FAX 6698
Email gmiiii@in*.co*

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