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Date: Thu, 18 Jul 1996 11:24:21 -0500
To: "J. Scott Landon" <landonjs@a1*.sw*.um*.du*.co*>
From: techvid@ne*.co* (Brown, Christopher)
Subject: RE: Gavin Scooter Top Ten
Cc: cavers@ge*.co*,
J. Scott says:

>as a soon to be owner of a gavin scooter, i take offense....

J. Scott -- The Top Ten post was a *joke* !!!! (The scooters are hot shit,
obviously -- nobody said they weren't.) For cyin' out loud, I can see
dumping your square lite as a prereq. for joining WKPP's efforts, but must
you discard your sense of humor as well?

Perhaps you're telling me that no one but WKPP, as well as diving Wakulla,
is allowed to satirize silly bullshit when they see it? Holy shit man,
things are worse than I ever thought!

Serious questions:
Is every equipment manufacturer, of the gear that you're employing on a
dive to 300 ft. in a cave, liable when something happens, or just the
scooter maker?

If it's just the scooter maker, why is that?

Is there a difference in liability (for anything) when on a 300ft deep cave
dive vs. deep o/w dive vs. shallow o/w dive?

Does having a patent on a piece of gear insure a manufacturer against liablity?

I really don't know -- I'm ignorant -- I'm in the dark here. This might be
worth illuminating for other list readrs as well.

Also, once you *own* a piece of dive gear, unless you agree to and sign a
legally-binding non-disclosure document, may you do anything you want with

(BTW, if there is no official non-disclosure document that comes with your
scooter, but simply a gentlemen's agreement: yes, verbal agreements have as
much weight as (if not more than) "legally contracted" ones -- verbal
agreements between individuals, for me personally, have the fixative of
moral obligation and honor, and there is no greater binding glue.)

Thanks for the exchange of ideas! Enjoy your scooter, your Tally power-cave
dives, and your comrades in WKPP: the best in the world.


Christopher A. Brown
Sci-Graphica PR and DOCENT FILMS
The Technical Diving Video Library (TDVL)
(N.Am. & Canada): 1-800-373-7222
Outside US:904-942-7222  Fax:904-942-1240

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