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From: <SATURN.DDRAKE05@gm*.co*>
To: "techdiver(a)" <>
Subject: RE:Great Lakes viz
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 1996 08:30:08 -0400

The weekends before and after the July 4 I was diving both ends of Lake
Superior and found the temps to be unseasonably warm and the vis. bad,
about 1/2 what it usually is.  Even people on the beach were saying the
lake seemed warm this year.

One fellow offered that they'd had an incredible amount of rain, which
was backed up by very high inland lakes.  This rain brought warmth and
junk into the water which goes in Lake Huron, then into the zebra muscle
feeding frenzy filter.

So, if you have warm temps and good vis. in Kingston, I'd say the lower
lakes are the place to be although the wrecks in Superior are wonderful
and vis is still a respectable 15-20ish ft.  The sun makes a big
difference too.

David Drake             EDS/SATURN Infrastructure 8-320-4190 on GMnet Spring
Hill, TN  USA    Internet: saturn.ddrake05@gm*.co*

______________________________ Forward Header __________________________________
Subject: Great Lakes viz
Author:  owner-techdiver (INET.OWNERTE7) at DIAMOND
Date:    7/15/96 2:55 PM

Mike <Tennantm@ao*.co*> wrote:
>>............................If it is, then something horrible is
happening to >>it on the way into >>Lake Huron.  We've been seeing 10 to 20
foot visibility.................. > >That's too bad.  We are getting around
40 - 60 feet of vis in the Upper St >Lawrence (Kingston to Chippewa), with
a temp of 66 F at 120.   It's those >damn Zebra mussels.

I just got back from a weekend in Kingston, and we were getting that sort
of awesome visibility.  For the first time ever, I actually saw the whole
Munson from one vantage point.  I don't think the warmth ran quite that
deep; there was a decent thermocline around 45', but deco was in nice
warm water.

In a way it doesn't make sense: a few weeks ago when we were doing the
Morrell and the Dundenberg (Lake Huron, just off the Michigan "thumb"),
upstream of a lot of the civilization in the Great Lakes watershed, out
of sight of land, the viz sucked, but right at the downstream end of the
bottom lake, only about a klick offshore, we get great viz.  Those zebra
mussels must sure suck a lot of shit out of the water, because they're
the only reason I can think of for Kingston having the better viz.  Now
if the little buggers could just leave the wrecks alone, we'd have
something going.

Anthony DeBoer                        
adb@he*.re*.or* (here)
adb@ge*.co* (work)                             #include "std.disclaimer"
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