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Date: Tue, 25 Jun 1996 11:03:39 -1000 (HST)
From: Dennis Pierce <dpierce@al*.ne*>
To: Harold Gartner <hgartner@ra*.or*>
cc: "Tech. Diver" <>
Subject: Re: CCR 500 Rebreather

On Sun, 23 Jun 1996, Harold Gartner wrote:

> To all that have asked regarding the CCR 500 rebreathers:
> BioMarine has now shown the units (they have 2 working units at present) 
> at the Houston Show and now at the Queen Mary.  When I orginally 
> inquired, they wouldn't take my $$ until they were sure that they were 
> going forward in the immediate future.  They are scheduled to make 10 
> units per month for the next few months; the first 15+ are already sold. 
> The units go for $5,000.00 per unit plus the cost of training, estimated 
> to cost another $1,000. per person.
> They units are hot; they are a slightly scaled down version of the 
> military units, 4 hr. dive duration, 

sorry hal, five hour duration canisters...  one of the  guys at the booth
was telling everyone four hours the first day.. we finally caught him and
straightened him out.. 

fully closed, constant PPO2.  
> Electronics are identical to the military/commerical units. The units 
> weigh in at 45lbs fully charged.
> I have unit 6 reserved; Dennis Pierce is training and will be one of 
> their trainners; the program will be developed through IANTD by Dennis.  
> He has 2 units comming in July for his use and for training. My unit is 
> also one of the July 10.  Dennis has the next 10 units reserved (August) 
> as I understand it and options on the next 5.
> He'll be in the Los Angeles, CA area in August training myself, Bob 
> Talbot, and others on these units according to what Dennis told me today.
> I spent alot of time with Dick King at the show, I'm impressed with the 
> units and the company.  This is not Vapor Ware for a change. Can't wait 
> to get mine and the training.  I personally will enjoy making Dennis come 
> to cold Southern CA waters instead of his native Hawaii!! 

we'll see about that...

> He'll be back in Hawaii on Monday afternoon, as will I (for vacation and 
> alittle deep diving with Dennis) and no doubt post a lengthy 
> informational sheet.  At this price these units will be selling much 
> faster than they will be making them. 

no doubt, i've sold six already... since 9am thismorning and it's only


> Harold H. Gartner III
> 6900 Via Alba
> Camarillo, California 93012
> home: (805) 482-9743
> home fax: (805) 987-6804
> office: (805) 644-1061
> E-Mail:
> hgartner@ra*.or*
> CompuServe 71470,1423
> --
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